When I fired up this 'blog on a whim at the start of 2008, the world was a very different place - Crunchyroll and legal streaming were still largely irrelevant (particularly to someone based in the UK such as myself), fansubs still ruled the roost, and Twitter barely existed in anything like the hugely popular form that it does today.
It was that environment that led to the creation of this
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 13 (Completed)
The Love Live is over (and there are no prizes for guessing who won), which leaves just the small matter of graduation to be tackled by both third years and the student council alike.
As you might imagine, Honoka's attempts to write a graduation speech to deliver as student council president proved rather torturous and led to some last-minute panic, but otherwise everything is in-hand and
As you might imagine, Honoka's attempts to write a graduation speech to deliver as student council president proved rather torturous and led to some last-minute panic, but otherwise everything is in-hand and
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 12 (Completed)
Now that Momo and company have been rescued, it's time for the gang to make good their escape and take on the "final boss" in this finale of Mekakucity Actors.
With the entire cast assembled, the group has no shortage of special powers to use to get to where they want to go, whether it's Takane's hacking ability (and not an iconic cap in sight) or... well... Takane's abilities with a gun in her
With the entire cast assembled, the group has no shortage of special powers to use to get to where they want to go, whether it's Takane's hacking ability (and not an iconic cap in sight) or... well... Takane's abilities with a gun in her
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 12 (Completed)
Taking the fight to a massive Gauna hive was always going to be a "do or die" mission for Sidonia's Gardes, but as the situations worsens it seems as if only the "die" part of that statement has any chance of coming true.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with Benisuzume scything through the platoon and an anti-planet missile well on its way, the decision is made to blow a whole
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with Benisuzume scything through the platoon and an anti-planet missile well on its way, the decision is made to blow a whole
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 11
Last week's episode taught us a lot in terms of filling in the gaps within Mekakucity Actors (aside from the most important gap of all, of course, that being the reason why this show is garbage), so now that we have our "bad guy" in sight what's next for the Mekakushi-dan.
The most pressing issue however is to prevent Hibiya from doing anything foolhardy, and eventually Momo and Kido catch up to
The most pressing issue however is to prevent Hibiya from doing anything foolhardy, and eventually Momo and Kido catch up to
No Game No Life - Episode 12 (Completed)
Try as they might to twist the game in their favour, it seems that Blank simply can't be beaten, leaving Izuna on the brink of defeat in the decidedly Japanese virtual world that makes up the game created by the Eastern Federation.
This isn't the end of the matter however, as Izuna has a trick of her own up her sleeve - the rare Warbeast power to surpass her own normal physical limitations. Thus
This isn't the end of the matter however, as Izuna has a trick of her own up her sleeve - the rare Warbeast power to surpass her own normal physical limitations. Thus
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 12
Now that the future of their group has been decided, judgement day is nigh for μ's. No, not that judgement day, but rather the Love Live itself.
With Nico having fortuitously drawn a prize slot for the event, giving the group the final slot in the competition (which doesn't seem like such a great draw to me, I've seen how Eurovision works), focus has to return to one last practice session,
With Nico having fortuitously drawn a prize slot for the event, giving the group the final slot in the competition (which doesn't seem like such a great draw to me, I've seen how Eurovision works), focus has to return to one last practice session,
One Week Friends - Episode 12 (Completed)
There may have been no dramatic fallout between Hase and Kaori, but the very obvious cooling in their friendship is visible to all and sundry within their class as time goes by.
Of course, it goes without saying that Fujimiya is more keenly aware of this change than anybody else, and it's Kiryu to whom she turns looking for advice - advice that he can't readily give beyond explaining that Hase
Of course, it goes without saying that Fujimiya is more keenly aware of this change than anybody else, and it's Kiryu to whom she turns looking for advice - advice that he can't readily give beyond explaining that Hase
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 12 (Completed)
Ritsu's new friend has provided her with a journey of discovery as to what friendship is all about, but is it about to lead her into a sticky situation as she's thrust into a karaoke party mixer when all she was actually expecting was a quiet day at the library.
In a blue of frantic worry, Usa opts to borrow Mayumi's phone to check in on whether Ritsu is okay, and although she isn't okay and
In a blue of frantic worry, Usa opts to borrow Mayumi's phone to check in on whether Ritsu is okay, and although she isn't okay and
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 12 (Completed)
Haru has survived all of her assailants and passed the test designed specifically for her - or has she? It seems that there is one final peril that has decided to know its face.
That danger is, of course, Tokaku herself, who seems to have taken upon itself to unleash her ability to kill now that it resides within her on her one-time friend. All is not as it seems however, as Haru is saved from
That danger is, of course, Tokaku herself, who seems to have taken upon itself to unleash her ability to kill now that it resides within her on her one-time friend. All is not as it seems however, as Haru is saved from
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 11
The path of a giant craft journeying through space never did run smooth, particularly if that craft happens to be named Sidonia, as this space-faring behemoth suddenly finds itself dwarfed several hundred times over by a massive Gauna hive; one so big that its consumed a dwarf planet to use as its placenta.
It also seems that the phrase "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" won't apply
It also seems that the phrase "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" won't apply
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 11 (Completed)
The face-off between the Adventure Club and their former member Ikusaba seems to have taken a dark, violent and decidedly dangerous turn - is there any way out of the mess Juugo and company have found themselves in?
Yes, as it happens, but not before our protagonist is left with a fractured elbow and collapsed lunch by Ikusaba. Of course, the solution comes via our resident master detective, who
Yes, as it happens, but not before our protagonist is left with a fractured elbow and collapsed lunch by Ikusaba. Of course, the solution comes via our resident master detective, who
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 12 (Completed)
Ruko has, to all intents and purposes, decided her upon her wish, but will having to face up to a determined Hitoe and LRIG Yuzuki quickly derail her plans?
As their part in Iona's "battle royale" rumbles on, it becomes clear that Hitoe is fighting against the very curse that afflicted her thanks to her last round as a Selector - her memories of her friends has returned, and in spite of the pain
As their part in Iona's "battle royale" rumbles on, it becomes clear that Hitoe is fighting against the very curse that afflicted her thanks to her last round as a Selector - her memories of her friends has returned, and in spite of the pain
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 11 (Completed)
Hoshino's defeat of Kazama has sent reverberations not only around the arena in which the tournament is being hosted, but also the wider world as word spreads online via the media and social networks. For those involved however, this is all ancient history already, as our focus zooms in on the final between Peco and Smile.
Amidst worries about Hoshino's knee, Tsukimoto remains adamant that
Amidst worries about Hoshino's knee, Tsukimoto remains adamant that
M3 the dark metal - Episode 9
Akashi and Heito's venture into the Lightless Realm didn't exactly go swimmingly, and as two entered only one returns, with Akashi just about making it out before collapsing, with his colleague nowhere to be seen.
What's more Akashi now point-blank refuses to pilot the Argent again having learned at least some of its secrets as they pertain to his brother - the trouble is, the powers that be are
What's more Akashi now point-blank refuses to pilot the Argent again having learned at least some of its secrets as they pertain to his brother - the trouble is, the powers that be are
No Game No Life - Episode 11
The game is afoot against the Warbeasts, and although Shiro and Sora have effectively been placed on "home territory" as the nature of the virtual reality they'll be playing in is revealed, it seems like it really couldn't be any worse for our pair of shut-ins; in fact, it's fair to say that a game set in Tokyo is the last thing that they wanted.
However, Sora in particular is quick to recover
However, Sora in particular is quick to recover
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 11
The results of entrance exams are on show at Otonokizaka High School, and crowds have gathered to see who made it and who missed out. The news is good for both Eli and Honoka's sisters, but of course the prospect of new students also means that it's almost time for some of the third years to depart.
When mentioned by Honoka's sister, this prospect hits μ's leader like a lead weight as she
When mentioned by Honoka's sister, this prospect hits μ's leader like a lead weight as she
One Week Friends - Episode 11
Following that rough time thanks to the loss of some of Kaori's memories again since Kujo's appearance, things have settled down and returned to their normal routine for Kaori and Hase, even if Saki is still stuck in a rut regarding her relationship with Shogo after recent events.
There is still something gnawing away at both Fujimiya and Hase surrounding the former's unexpected meeting with
There is still something gnawing away at both Fujimiya and Hase surrounding the former's unexpected meeting with
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 10
Our perspective shifts once again for this week's Mekakucity Actors (who saw that coming?), as we witness a woman and her daughter waiting for the return of the latter's father... something which, it seems, may never happen.
This suspicion in confirmed when the home of the family in question is raided and the mother openly shot in front of her daughter - not that this is the end of the matter,
This suspicion in confirmed when the home of the family in question is raided and the mother openly shot in front of her daughter - not that this is the end of the matter,
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 11
We're now very much familiar with the cast of The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour and their various foibles and weaknesses... except that is for Sayaka, who remains hidden beneath a mask of makeup and her abrasive personality.
However, the unexpected arrival of an old female friend of Sayaka's might hold the answer to all of these questions, and what's more she's looking to
However, the unexpected arrival of an old female friend of Sayaka's might hold the answer to all of these questions, and what's more she's looking to
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 10
Concerned by his obsession with his new Hoshijiro-esque placenta friend, Midorikawa and Izana have both had the idea to drag Tanikaze away for a day to distract him from this item of interest - little did they realise that they'd both be accompanying him on a day trip together.
It seems that Midorikawa's agenda is about more than just distracting and cheering up Nagate however, as she's somehow
It seems that Midorikawa's agenda is about more than just distracting and cheering up Nagate however, as she's somehow
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 11
Now that Hanabusa defeated, the Black Class' fatal game is over, which means that it's time for the truth about the real reason for its existence to be unveiled.
As was already becoming increasingly obvious, the Black Class was not created with the intent of seeing Haru killed, but rather as an initiation to see if she's suitable to become a "Primer" - a woman capable of using her charm or
As was already becoming increasingly obvious, the Black Class was not created with the intent of seeing Haru killed, but rather as an initiation to see if she's suitable to become a "Primer" - a woman capable of using her charm or
M3 the dark metal - Episode 8
The sudden and unexpected discovery of a signal belonging to a recording device assumed lost within the Lightless Realm means that its time for the Gargouille crew to swing into action once again in spite of - and in fact because of - recent events.
As the two Reaper pilots, it's left to Akashi and Heito to take up the job of entering the Lightless Realm using Argent and Sable to retrieve this
As the two Reaper pilots, it's left to Akashi and Heito to take up the job of entering the Lightless Realm using Argent and Sable to retrieve this
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 11
With Hitoe still hospitalised, Ruko remains in possession of both Yuzuki in her new LRIG form and Tama, and the discussions which ensure seem to be finally propelling her in the direction of figuring out the wish she wants to make as a Selector.
As you might expect, this wish involves putting an end to this whole Selector nonsense, by wishing that all LRIGs and Eternal Girls are returned to
As you might expect, this wish involves putting an end to this whole Selector nonsense, by wishing that all LRIGs and Eternal Girls are returned to
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 10
The race is on to grab a particular piece of the Nanana Collection, with the Adventure Club's combined forces determined to beat Ikusaba to the punch thanks in no small part to some important hints given to them by Nanana herself.
It's thanks to these hints that the group very quickly compile the required knowledge and key to reach the exact location of the treasure. However, they have to wait
It's thanks to these hints that the group very quickly compile the required knowledge and key to reach the exact location of the treasure. However, they have to wait
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 10
Smile is holding out for a hero, but will Peco's injured knee to hold up to provide it? Even without his injury, facing off and defeating the ping pong monster that is Kazama.
Then again, Hoshino has never been the type to be easily flustered even in the face of a tough opponent, and even on this occasion against the toughest of the tough he's cheekily brought along a new bat and some different
Then again, Hoshino has never been the type to be easily flustered even in the face of a tough opponent, and even on this occasion against the toughest of the tough he's cheekily brought along a new bat and some different
No Game No Life - Episode 10
Having somehow managed to pull of his latest dangerous game, Sora now has Zell and - perhaps more importantly - her elven colleague Fil on-board in his forthcoming game against the Eastern Federation. First, however, it's about time these new additions to the crew get to know their comrades.
As it turns out, Zell is actually Fil's slave strictly speaking, with Imanity families looked down upon
As it turns out, Zell is actually Fil's slave strictly speaking, with Imanity families looked down upon
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 10
The New Year is almost upon us in this week's Love Live, allowing the girls to enjoy some of the festivities and celebrations of the season. Oh, and they won the preliminary round to qualify for the Love Live itself, by the way.
Having somehow defeated A-RISE in a way that neither group seems able to comprehend, thoughts quickly turn to the Love Live itself for the μ's girls, where they can
Having somehow defeated A-RISE in a way that neither group seems able to comprehend, thoughts quickly turn to the Love Live itself for the μ's girls, where they can
One Week Friends - Episode 10
After a period of everything going so well between Kaori, Hase and their wider circle of friends, it feels like everything has been shattered and destroyed by the appearance of transfer student Hajime Kujo and one single word - "traitor".
With his name and this one word causing Kaori's memories to reset, it seems that everything is back to home it was at the very start - Fujimiya still has her
With his name and this one word causing Kaori's memories to reset, it seems that everything is back to home it was at the very start - Fujimiya still has her
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 10
Fed up of his continuing label as being the ringmaster of a freak show, Usa is proving keen to quit his job working at a rather unique coffee shop, but until he does so he seems determined to make full use of his workplace garb to impress Ritsu.
Usa is also quick to pounce when another opportunity to impress her presents itself, with the cafe looking to fill some newly acquired bookcases but not
Usa is also quick to pounce when another opportunity to impress her presents itself, with the cafe looking to fill some newly acquired bookcases but not
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 9
Mekakucity Actors has already woven a decidedly tangled web with its story thus far, and you can expect even more entanglement in this week's episode as Ayano steps up to reveal her angle to the story.
In short, it's Ayano's parents who seemingly discovered and researched the initial members of our group of red-eyed superpowered kids, taking them in as orphans at which point Ayano became a big
In short, it's Ayano's parents who seemingly discovered and researched the initial members of our group of red-eyed superpowered kids, taking them in as orphans at which point Ayano became a big
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 10
Only one final foe stands between Haru and safety, and given that it's the demure Hanabusa surely there isn't too much to worry about?
Indeed, any immediate worries about her hatching a plan look as if they might be unfounded, as an envelope which she hands to Haru contains not an advance notice of an assassination attempt, but an invitation to a tea party - in fact, Hanabusa has even provided
Indeed, any immediate worries about her hatching a plan look as if they might be unfounded, as an envelope which she hands to Haru contains not an advance notice of an assassination attempt, but an invitation to a tea party - in fact, Hanabusa has even provided
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 10
The truth is now out regarding the roles of Selectors and their LRIG and what winning the chance to be an Eternal Girl really means, but any further discussion of this scenario is quickly put on hold as Hitoe collapses in the midst of her Selector battle against Ruko.
Having called an ambulance and seen her admitted to hospital but stable, Ruko is finally in place to listen to the rest of
Having called an ambulance and seen her admitted to hospital but stable, Ruko is finally in place to listen to the rest of
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 9
Having successfully acquired a fully formed Gauna placenta (which just so happens to take the form of Hoshijiro), there's an opportunity for Sidonia's EBD scientists - or at least one of them, Numi Tahiro - to do a little experimentation with this incredible find.
Of course, it's Nagate that Tahiro turns to for help with this, as she's curious as to how this Gauna offspring will respond to him
Of course, it's Nagate that Tahiro turns to for help with this, as she's curious as to how this Gauna offspring will respond to him
M3 the dark metal - Episode 7
The appearance of a Corpse outside of the Lightless Realm has caused panic amongst those whose job it is to protect humanity, leading to their demanding that the Argent be deployed within said realm forthwith to prevent any further such incidents.
Quite reasonably, those in direct charge of the project point out that this would be extremely dangerous, and thus insist upon waiting until they find
Quite reasonably, those in direct charge of the project point out that this would be extremely dangerous, and thus insist upon waiting until they find
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 9
The appearance of Hiiyo Ikusaba in town has ruffled the feathers of all and sundry who have encountered him, and this shows no sign of changing as this week's Nanana's Buried Treasure begins.
Then again, Juugo has other things to preoccupy himself with for a while, namely a "date" which is in fact an opportunity to hang out with Tetsu and Yun amongst others. Ironically, even this fun day out is
Then again, Juugo has other things to preoccupy himself with for a while, namely a "date" which is in fact an opportunity to hang out with Tetsu and Yun amongst others. Ironically, even this fun day out is
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 9
Kong's defeat at the hands of Hoshino have sent shock-waves reverberating through the national tournament qualifiers, but for our Chinese visitor's part he remains pretty sanguine in spite of the pain of his defeat while, of course, the tournament moves on apace.
On paper, Tsukimoto is all set to face his first real challenge of the tournament in the form of Kaio's Sanada, and as the game begins
On paper, Tsukimoto is all set to face his first real challenge of the tournament in the form of Kaio's Sanada, and as the game begins
No Game No Life - Episode 9
No sooner did Sora announced his intention to embark upon another game as part of Imanity's attempted conquests than he disappeared entirely - not just the man himself, but all memory of him from the minds of all and sundry.
All, that is, aside from Shiro, who continues to remember her brother as we're regaled with the story of how the two of them first met. Such are the convictions of those
All, that is, aside from Shiro, who continues to remember her brother as we're regaled with the story of how the two of them first met. Such are the convictions of those
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 9
All of the talk and preparation is finally over, as it's time for the final preliminary round of Love Live to begin. Oh, and it's snowing too.
While all of the girls awake and prepare in their own unique ways - complete with a few nerves on show from some quarters - there's a rather major distraction for the trio of student council girls as they have an introductory presentation to make back
One Week Friends - Episode 9
The summer of fun continues for Kaori and company in this week's One Week Friends, as somehow the group even manages to make the last minute rush to finish their summer homework enjoyable. Still, I suppose anything is preferable to Endless Eight...
As our quartet of friends meet at Kaori's house to finish off any assignments (or start them, in Saki's case) while also enjoying cake and tea
As our quartet of friends meet at Kaori's house to finish off any assignments (or start them, in Saki's case) while also enjoying cake and tea
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 9
In a shocking break from her normal behaviour, Mayumi has been drinking heavily and is loudly bemoaning the current state of her life - in other words, it's business as usual at the Kawai Complex.
Although getting a piggyback ride on the shoulders of Shiro helps her to feel a little better (simply because it means she gets to look down on everyone, in case you're wondering), it still isn't quite
Although getting a piggyback ride on the shoulders of Shiro helps her to feel a little better (simply because it means she gets to look down on everyone, in case you're wondering), it still isn't quite
M3 the dark metal - Episode 6
Emiru's mission to venture into the Lightless Realm really couldn't have gone much worse, resulting in her inadvertently calling upon an Admonition which proceeded to wreak havoc with everything in its vicinity.
Ultimately, this state of affairs seems to have proven fatal for her, leaving her fellow pilots in shock and Akashi trying to fathom the meaning behind her last words to him, urging that
Ultimately, this state of affairs seems to have proven fatal for her, leaving her fellow pilots in shock and Akashi trying to fathom the meaning behind her last words to him, urging that
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 8
Having heard word of Shintaro witnessing an accident, Momo and the others rush to the hospital where he's currently located only to find him protesting vehemently that this was no accident but something else entirely.
The trouble is, nobody seems capable of verbalizing exactly what it was that actually happened (Mekakucity Actors unable to explain what the Hell is going on? Shocking, I know),
The trouble is, nobody seems capable of verbalizing exactly what it was that actually happened (Mekakucity Actors unable to explain what the Hell is going on? Shocking, I know),
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 9
Tokaku has managed to handle everything that has been thrown at herself and Haru thus far, but a two-pronged attack carried out by both Banba and Isuke might be more than even she is capable of emerging from victorious.
This situation isn't helped by Inukai's realisation that Tokaku is simply incapable of killing (for reasons that we are explained via flashback at the start of this episode),
This situation isn't helped by Inukai's realisation that Tokaku is simply incapable of killing (for reasons that we are explained via flashback at the start of this episode),
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 8
There seems to be no end to the battle against the Gauna at present, and things are about to take an even more uncomfortable turn for those involved in the latest skirmish of this conflict.
In short, the Gauna seems to have appropriated not only the look of Sidonia's frames, but also one of their lost pilots, namely Hoshijiro, whose voice causes much discomfort as it rings out over the intercoms
In short, the Gauna seems to have appropriated not only the look of Sidonia's frames, but also one of their lost pilots, namely Hoshijiro, whose voice causes much discomfort as it rings out over the intercoms
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 9
Yuzuki has finally fought her way to victory, claiming her place as an Eternal Girl and making her wish come true - but has she lost something of herself in the process?
Meanwhile, Ruko is seeming at least a little more cheerful, but beneath that exterior she still continues to puzzle over and try to process recent events in her head, to no avail - at least this means that battling is far from
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 8
It's tough being a student - especially when you're roommate is a ghost girl with a penchant for video game all-nighters and a former colleague at the organisation you worked for suddenly transfers in as your classmate.
All of these are mild problems which Juugo has to grapple with early in this episode, as his tiredness is followed by having to deal with a testy Tensai, the aforementioned new
All of these are mild problems which Juugo has to grapple with early in this episode, as his tiredness is followed by having to deal with a testy Tensai, the aforementioned new
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 8
We've been seeing changes from all of its main players in recent weeks, and now its time for those adjustments in attitude and abilities come to the fore as the qualifiers for the national table tennis singles championships roll around.
Of course, it's Kaio's team of highly trained athletes who expect to dominate over and above all else - a feeling perhaps helped by Poseidon's marketing tactic
Of course, it's Kaio's team of highly trained athletes who expect to dominate over and above all else - a feeling perhaps helped by Poseidon's marketing tactic
No Game No Life - Episode 8
With the discovery of the breakthrough that they needed to advance their game plan, it's time for Sora and Shiro to begin Imanity's campaign against the Warbeasts of the Eastern Federation.
Of course, one does not simply walk into Warbeast territory - one waves at them from afar before popping over for a lovely chat. Of course, these mind-reading, animal-eared folk know exactly what the group
Of course, one does not simply walk into Warbeast territory - one waves at them from afar before popping over for a lovely chat. Of course, these mind-reading, animal-eared folk know exactly what the group
One Week Friends - Episode 8
It's the summer holiday, and although Kaori and Hase are having a good time - much of which they're spending in one another's company - there's one staple of the season that they're yet to embark upon.
The missing link here is, of course, a trip to the beach, and although Hase is a little disappointed at the prospect of Kiryu and Yamagishi tagging along, it's still preferable to missing out on
The missing link here is, of course, a trip to the beach, and although Hase is a little disappointed at the prospect of Kiryu and Yamagishi tagging along, it's still preferable to missing out on
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 8
The final preliminary round of Love Live is about to get underway, and with those competing interviewed in front of a live and television audience Honoka both impresses and surprises with a bold declaration of their intent to emerge victorious.
However, the question still remains as to what they can do to overcome their rivals and make their way to the competition proper. Even though time is
However, the question still remains as to what they can do to overcome their rivals and make their way to the competition proper. Even though time is
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 8
It's time for Usa to start his new job, working at a cafe while dressed as a student houseboy - an embarrassing role made somewhat better by Ritsu's rapt attention when he's wearing the costume in question, even if it is the clothes she's looking at rather than him.
If Usa was hoping to find himself working alongside some normal colleagues at the establishment, these hopes are quickly dashed -
If Usa was hoping to find himself working alongside some normal colleagues at the establishment, these hopes are quickly dashed -
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 7
Having left a sickly Haruka at school under the assumption that he was merely being lazy last week, this week's Mekakucity Actors picks up the rest of Takane's story.
Needless to say, Takane is quick to beat herself up about Haruka being taken ill, especially given his history of such illnesses, and thus she's keen to avoid seeing him or being seen by him at the hospital. She does, however,
Needless to say, Takane is quick to beat herself up about Haruka being taken ill, especially given his history of such illnesses, and thus she's keen to avoid seeing him or being seen by him at the hospital. She does, however,
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 8
There aren't many challengers left in the "game" to assassinate Haru Ichinose - the trouble is, the remaining candidates are amongst the most dangerous. Besides which, it seems that even Haru winning the game is a valid result in the eyes of those overseeing the latest iteration of the Black Class.
In something of a break from the norm for this show, our attention is split two ways this week -
In something of a break from the norm for this show, our attention is split two ways this week -
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 7
If fighting and defeating a single Gauna wasn't tough enough, the prospect of fighting an entire hive of the things is a terrifying prospect - one which, thanks to the climax to last week's episode, we know didn't go well at all.
This week starts by filling in the blanks of exactly what happened to both Nagate and (perhaps more importantly) Hoshijiro - with orders in place to use explosive
This week starts by filling in the blanks of exactly what happened to both Nagate and (perhaps more importantly) Hoshijiro - with orders in place to use explosive
Nisekoi - Episode 20 (Completed)
Kosaki's ankle injury has put the class performance of Remoe and Juliet in peril - desperate times call for desperate measures, and having managed to uneasily rebuild bridges with Kirisaki it's she who takes on the leading role as Juliet herself.
Things start swimmingly too - despite having not learned the script, Chitoge is rolling off lines like a pro... for about thirty seconds, anyway. A
Things start swimmingly too - despite having not learned the script, Chitoge is rolling off lines like a pro... for about thirty seconds, anyway. A
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 8
Another life has been ruined thanks to three defeats as a Selector, and Akari is determined to take her suffering out upon those she hold responsible - something she looks set to succeed in until events present Ruko and Yuzuki an opportunity to escape from her.
Even after seeing Akari's scarred face as a result of her wish going awry, Yuzuki refuses to back down from her desire to become an
Even after seeing Akari's scarred face as a result of her wish going awry, Yuzuki refuses to back down from her desire to become an
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 7
Last week saw the Adventure Club tackle discovering another piece of the Nanana Collection, only to find that it had already been switched out for a mere stuffed toy. But who would do such a thing?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the answer is that Yuugo is exactly the kind of person who would do such a thing, and indeed that's exactly what he did do, sneaking in to take the treasure before his "sister
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the answer is that Yuugo is exactly the kind of person who would do such a thing, and indeed that's exactly what he did do, sneaking in to take the treasure before his "sister
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 7
Now that Peco has had his moment of "enlightenment", he's off the snacks and onto a tough fitness regime at the hands of his makeshift coach from the local table tennis dojo.
Irritated though he is at being made to run up and down steps instead of pinging (and indeed ponging) a ball around, this much needed improvement of his fitness is merely the precursor to his introduction to a national
Irritated though he is at being made to run up and down steps instead of pinging (and indeed ponging) a ball around, this much needed improvement of his fitness is merely the precursor to his introduction to a national
M3 the dark metal - Episode 5
Now that their island jaunt has revealed the psychic link which bonds the members of the Gargouille team - a link which is thought to be important to their ability in infiltrating the Lightless Realm - partnerships can be put in place for those with the strongest links.
While Akashi is left with a non-human partner in the form of the Argent, it's Emiru who really despairs as she's paired with
While Akashi is left with a non-human partner in the form of the Argent, it's Emiru who really despairs as she's paired with
No Game No Life - Episode 7
Now that Blank have Jibril of the Flugel race in their thrall, it seems that the time is right for them to plan their first move and prepare to take on the Warbeasts of the Eastern Federation.
At least, that's the plan, but the reality of this looks set to be rather difficult - for starters, even Jibril herself has been defeated by them in the past, and what's more their terms of the challenge
At least, that's the plan, but the reality of this looks set to be rather difficult - for starters, even Jibril herself has been defeated by them in the past, and what's more their terms of the challenge
One Week Friends - Episode 7
It seems like things are moving on apace for Kaori - now that she's ditched her cold classroom persona, she's found herself at the centre of a burgeoning circle of friends as well as the focus of some mild-mannered gossip about her relationship with Hase.
Speaking of our protagonist, much as he's delighted to see his friend enjoying her new life every day he's also feeling a little left out as
Speaking of our protagonist, much as he's delighted to see his friend enjoying her new life every day he's also feeling a little left out as
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 7
The worries just keep on coming for μ's. This week - Honoka got fat!
Well, alright, strictly speaking she got fat in that way that only anime characters can, that being by looking exactly the same and perfectly healthy while everyone else frets about how overweight they are. For Honoka, this means that it's time to diet before that all-important final preliminary round of the Love Live - a
Well, alright, strictly speaking she got fat in that way that only anime characters can, that being by looking exactly the same and perfectly healthy while everyone else frets about how overweight they are. For Honoka, this means that it's time to diet before that all-important final preliminary round of the Love Live - a
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 7
This week's The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour begins with news that there's a molester in town... the real shock here however is that the molester in question isn't Shiro.
While the female residents of the complex discuss their past experiences with molesters and the best ways to counter them, thoughts eventually turns to Ritsu, with her inattention putting her at severe
While the female residents of the complex discuss their past experiences with molesters and the best ways to counter them, thoughts eventually turns to Ritsu, with her inattention putting her at severe
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 6
Another episode sees Mekakucity Actors heading off in yet another different direction, this time treating us to the origins of Ene (or Takane, to use her real name) and Haruka.
As it happens, these two individuals are actually former classmates - although their personalities are chalk and cheese they seem to get on decidedly well with one another and spend a lot of time together; a set of
As it happens, these two individuals are actually former classmates - although their personalities are chalk and cheese they seem to get on decidedly well with one another and spend a lot of time together; a set of
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 6
After their lonely little jaunt through space together, Tanikaze and Hoshijiro have now been rescued and returned to the relative comforts of the Sidonia.
Indeed, just three weeks after the incidents which claimed so many lives, the ship has returned almost entirely to normal, although there's no hiding the after-effects of the massive casualties suffered once you look (or smell) beneath the
Indeed, just three weeks after the incidents which claimed so many lives, the ship has returned almost entirely to normal, although there's no hiding the after-effects of the massive casualties suffered once you look (or smell) beneath the
Nisekoi - Episode 19
Ichijou and Kirisaki seem like the perfect contenders to play Romeo and Juliet in their class play for the school festival, but after recent events it seems that Chitoge is in no mood to countenance such a proposition.
This leaves Onodera to take on this all-important role, much to Raku's excitement, while Tachibana is quick to vote herself in as understudy for that part. As for Kirisaki, she
This leaves Onodera to take on this all-important role, much to Raku's excitement, while Tachibana is quick to vote herself in as understudy for that part. As for Kirisaki, she
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 7
With just seven members of the Black Class remaining, those left behind are perhaps in need of a pick me up - and what better place to have one than at the school's private pool? Everything is in place here for a day of fun and frolics - stunning facilities, a large selections of swimsuits... oh, and a bomb strapped around Haru's neck.
This unexpected "gift" comes courtesy of Suzu Shuto, who
This unexpected "gift" comes courtesy of Suzu Shuto, who
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 7
Confronted by Hitoe's mother as she desperately tries to fathom what has happened by her daughter, Ruko is plunged into a panicked sense of despair - just what exactly is she supposed to do, both with the information she holds and her place as a Selector?
Ruko's first thought is to turn to Yuzuki, but finds her unavailable - indeed, she's having her own issues, and having to chosen to fight for
Ruko's first thought is to turn to Yuzuki, but finds her unavailable - indeed, she's having her own issues, and having to chosen to fight for
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 6
Now that Yuugo's financial concerns have been lifted (temporarily at least), he can look forward to joining the rest of the Adventure Club's members on their busman's holiday to a hot springs resort which also happens to be the purported location of another item from the Nanana Collection.
Upon arrival, Yuugo finds himself sharing the hotel with one very familiar face from outside of the club,
Upon arrival, Yuugo finds himself sharing the hotel with one very familiar face from outside of the club,
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 6
While many are getting excited about the movie adaptation of Attack on Robot (no idea what popular franchise that might be aping...), Ping Pong's very own table tennis robot is continuing down his single-minded path.
In reality, it would probably be unrealistic to compare Smile to a robot - your average mechanical man probably wouldn't treat his team-mates like dirt while he went about his
In reality, it would probably be unrealistic to compare Smile to a robot - your average mechanical man probably wouldn't treat his team-mates like dirt while he went about his
M3 the dark metal - Episode 4
Recent events are understandably of great concern to the powers that be as the situation surrounding the Corpses appears to be spiraling out of control - a situation that has left them conceding to governmental wishes in how these higher-ups run their project.
Meanwhile, Gargouille's training continues apace, with the group dropped at disparate locations around a deserted island without any real
Meanwhile, Gargouille's training continues apace, with the group dropped at disparate locations around a deserted island without any real
No Game No Life - Episode 6
It might be said that fortune favours the brave, but it also seems to favour the serendipitous in this week's No Game No Life - no sooner has Sora bemoaned the lack of information at his disposal about Disboard's various other races, so he finds a mobile library landing on his doorstep.
That the owner of this library is part of a much-feared and murderous race is of no consequent to Blank's
That the owner of this library is part of a much-feared and murderous race is of no consequent to Blank's
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 6
The work never ends for μ's, and after last week's fashion show this week sees the group taking on an appearance at a Halloween themed event... what's more, it's a televised event in which A-RISE will also be participating.
Although this prospect initially fills the girl with confidence, it quickly turns to worry as the first day of the event begins - after a stuff introduction in front of a
Although this prospect initially fills the girl with confidence, it quickly turns to worry as the first day of the event begins - after a stuff introduction in front of a
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 5
Another episode of Mekakucity Actors means that we shift perspective once again this week, as our focus returns to Shintaro Kisaragi as he awakens following the whole kidnapping incident at the shopping centre.
Unsure of where he is when he wakes up, and not exactly assisted by his smartphone app-cum-AI Ene, Shintaro doesn't exactly make the best first impression in front of his sister's new
Unsure of where he is when he wakes up, and not exactly assisted by his smartphone app-cum-AI Ene, Shintaro doesn't exactly make the best first impression in front of his sister's new
One Week Friends - Episode 6
Our little group of titular "one week friends" (or almost friends, in Shogo's case) are now fully formed, but it's other issues that are the front of some of their minds in this week's episode.
At least, this is the case for Hase and Saki, both of whom have failed miserably in a recent maths test and are going to have to sit a make-up test to... well, make up for it. Given their poor
At least, this is the case for Hase and Saki, both of whom have failed miserably in a recent maths test and are going to have to sit a make-up test to... well, make up for it. Given their poor
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 6
In a list of things that you wouldn't put past Shiro, seducing a little girl would certainly be amongst them, and disturbingly it seems as if he's done just that as this week's The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour begins.
Rewind a little and we find out that said little girl's confession of love originates from a slightly less disturbing place - having rescued a lost wallet on
Rewind a little and we find out that said little girl's confession of love originates from a slightly less disturbing place - having rescued a lost wallet on
Nisekoi - Episode 18
Amazingly, we haven't had a beach episode in Nisekoi yet. So, here's Nisekoi's beach episode for you.
After getting at least some of its inevitable fascination with the female bosom out of the way, it's Kirisaki who takes much of the focus of this week's episode, as she continues to ponder that misunderstood proposal from Raku last week - a train of thought that leaves her getting more and more
After getting at least some of its inevitable fascination with the female bosom out of the way, it's Kirisaki who takes much of the focus of this week's episode, as she continues to ponder that misunderstood proposal from Raku last week - a train of thought that leaves her getting more and more
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 6
Another weeks mean more assassination attempts targeted at Ichinose, although this time around she never finds herself moving beyond the periphery of events which spiral out of control elsewhere.
At the centre of matters this time around are Hitsugi Kirigaya and Chitaru Namatame, a pair of roommates from the Black Class who have a relationship which almost seems to resemble that of a daughter
At the centre of matters this time around are Hitsugi Kirigaya and Chitaru Namatame, a pair of roommates from the Black Class who have a relationship which almost seems to resemble that of a daughter
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 5
Tanikaze has cemented his place as a hero of Sidonia by defeating the Gauna that threatened to tear the craft apart were it to reach their location - but will he get to enjoy the fruits of this feat?
Although his machine is running out of juice and ignoring the orders of his commanding officer, Tanikaze refuses to return to the Sidonia, instead pursuing the rescue of Hoshijiro from her escape
Although his machine is running out of juice and ignoring the orders of his commanding officer, Tanikaze refuses to return to the Sidonia, instead pursuing the rescue of Hoshijiro from her escape
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 6
After taking almost half of the series, last week finally saw Selector Infected WIXOSS shows its hand - not that its revelation about the fate of those who lose three Selector battles seems to bother Ruko, who has revenge on her mind as a battle against Akira begins.
If Akira thinks that she's going to be able to defeat Ruko as easily as she did Hitoe however, she soon finds herself to be badly
If Akira thinks that she's going to be able to defeat Ruko as easily as she did Hitoe however, she soon finds herself to be badly
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 5
All is well once again in the aftermath of last week's somewhat chaotic episode - so much so that Isshin is now offering to take his Adventure Club chums on a trip to a hot springs, which also just so happens to be the purported home of another piece of the Nanana Collection.
Fun though the prospect of a hot springs weekend might be, Yuugo has a lot on his plate in the run-up to this weekend
Fun though the prospect of a hot springs weekend might be, Yuugo has a lot on his plate in the run-up to this weekend
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 5
From storming to victory in the qualifying round of the high school table tennis championship, as this week's Ping Pong begins we fast forward to find Kazama boasting the title of Olympic youth champion - an impressive feat, but one that seems to interest him far less than the wider state of Kaio school on the global stage.
In short, Kazama thinks that they're nowhere near good enough (and their
In short, Kazama thinks that they're nowhere near good enough (and their
No Game No Life - Episode 5
Last week's episode of No Game No Life saw Blank's devilish duo making some grand claims to Tet as they enthusiastically looked all set to raise their game - so what exactly has happened since those proclamations?
Not a lot from Steph's point of view, as Sora and Shiro seem to have spent all of their time lazing around, reading, playing games and generally avoiding her while leaving her to do
Not a lot from Steph's point of view, as Sora and Shiro seem to have spent all of their time lazing around, reading, playing games and generally avoiding her while leaving her to do
M3 the dark metal - Episode 3
Now that the Reaper - or Argent if you prefer - has been revealed and proven capable of being piloted by Akashi, the game has changed for our protagonist and his fellow trainees.
As a result, the group have now been renamed as Gargouille, with a mission to infiltrate the Lightless Realm using the Argent's abilities - this is originally sold to the students as a reconnaissance mission, but those
As a result, the group have now been renamed as Gargouille, with a mission to infiltrate the Lightless Realm using the Argent's abilities - this is originally sold to the students as a reconnaissance mission, but those
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 5
All work and no play makes Honoka a dull idol - a good job then that it's school trip time, allowing μ's senior girls to be whisked away for a spell in sunny Okinawa...
...although unfortunately, by sunny Okinawa I actually mean typhoon-hit Okinawa, as the trio of girls away on the trip find themselves trapped indoors at the mercy of the weather. Not that conditions are much betetr back home,
...although unfortunately, by sunny Okinawa I actually mean typhoon-hit Okinawa, as the trio of girls away on the trip find themselves trapped indoors at the mercy of the weather. Not that conditions are much betetr back home,
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 5
There are few things that will persuade Ritsu to lift her head from a book, but it seems like two of the other residents engaging in an attempted assault is one of them.
The spark for all of this is a party which led to Sayaka running into an ex-boyfriend, the frustrations of which she now seems keen to take out on Mayumi for whatever reason. Still, it's nothing that a plastic bag over the head
The spark for all of this is a party which led to Sayaka running into an ex-boyfriend, the frustrations of which she now seems keen to take out on Mayumi for whatever reason. Still, it's nothing that a plastic bag over the head
One Week Friends - Episode 5
All is well with Hase and Fujimiya, but the rule remains that the two of them can't talk to one another in class to protect the latter's facade. This rule, however, is about to come crashing down with gusto.
The agent of change here is a previously unnoticed girl in the pair's class, Saki Yamagishi - having taken an interest in Kaori, she picks an opportune moment to sneakily introduce herself
The agent of change here is a previously unnoticed girl in the pair's class, Saki Yamagishi - having taken an interest in Kaori, she picks an opportune moment to sneakily introduce herself
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 4
Remember Hibiya, the boy who had a random encounter with Momo a couple of episodes ago? If you're anything like me, the answer is "barely", but nonetheless we follow his story in this week's Mekakucity Actors.
Having completed his shopping trip in spite of that little diversion caused by Momo, Hibiya is now ready to return to his temporary home in the city - the similarly temporary residence of
Having completed his shopping trip in spite of that little diversion caused by Momo, Hibiya is now ready to return to his temporary home in the city - the similarly temporary residence of
Nisekoi - Episode 17
You can't have an anime series without a festival of some kind (seriously, it's a law or something), so lo and behold it's festival time for this week's Nisekoi - an event which sees Raku working hard given that his family "acquaintances" run most of the stalls there.
Although Ichijou plans to ditch work for play later on, his schedule is inadvertently moved up markedly when he unexpectedly
Although Ichijou plans to ditch work for play later on, his schedule is inadvertently moved up markedly when he unexpectedly
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 5
Life - and in particular Haru's life - continues in the Black Class, with thoughts turning to a school festival and a class production of Romeo & Juliet... a story with just enough death to satisfy its assassin participants, one would imagine.
While Kenmochi gets rather too into her role as director of this play (a role which also seems to be helping her make notes that may well prove fruitful
While Kenmochi gets rather too into her role as director of this play (a role which also seems to be helping her make notes that may well prove fruitful
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 4
The subjugation squad designated to take out the Gauna has been utterly obliterated - so what next for Sidonia to avoid this unwanted visitor from turning up on their doorstep?
With their attempt to deflect the alien using an HMD also failing, the answer that comes from Sidonia's captain is a surprisingly brutal one - a manoeuvre that will far exceed the ability of the craft's internal workings
With their attempt to deflect the alien using an HMD also failing, the answer that comes from Sidonia's captain is a surprisingly brutal one - a manoeuvre that will far exceed the ability of the craft's internal workings
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 5
Having been warned off battling with a half-hearted attitude, it seems that Ruko has cooled on her thoughts of battling as a Selector, but her love of WIXOSS shows no signs of diminishing as she agrees with Yuzuki and Hitoe to attend a WIXOSS party where they can meet all sorts of amazing people. Anyone would think they're trying to sell an actual card game off the back of this series, eh?
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 4
Now that Yuiga Isshin has his grubby mitts on one of the most powerful item's from the Nanana Collection, it's vital that this artifact is removed from his possession as quickly as possible, and it's left to Yuugo and Tensai to do the business. Or is it?
As it turns out, Yuugo has some hidden affiliations of his own, as he slips his master detective buddy in order to team up with Matsuri, who
As it turns out, Yuugo has some hidden affiliations of his own, as he slips his master detective buddy in order to team up with Matsuri, who
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 4
Somehow, Smile has managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in his match against Wong, and it seems that nobody is too happy about it - Tsukimoto himself is ambivalent about the whole thing, but his coach is incandescent with rage and even Kong himself feels certain that his opponent simply gave up and let him win.
Regardless of his motivations, the tournament continues apace, and next
Regardless of his motivations, the tournament continues apace, and next
No Game No Life - Episode 4
Blank have their opponent on the ropes in this very unconventional game of chess, but with Zell showing no sign of backing down to they really have enough in reserve to win the safety of Imanity for themselves?
As it happens, they do - while Steph finds herself amazed at the newcomers policy to win this match without attacking (a wise policy which seems to match that of her late grandfather),
As it happens, they do - while Steph finds herself amazed at the newcomers policy to win this match without attacking (a wise policy which seems to match that of her late grandfather),
M3 the dark metal - Episode 2
While those involved recover their senses from dealing with the Admonition and Corpse they spotted in their first mission, this week's episode of M3 sees us introduced to Heito Isaku, a you man who is a little disturbed. How do we know this? Because the first we see of him is his merciless beating and torturing of a security guard, which makes perfectly clear that he is a bad person.
With that
With that
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 4
Now that all of the preliminary round performance are complete, it's simply time to nervously wait for the results to come in to see whether μ's have qualified. The news when it comes is shocking... they've failed in their goal.
At least, that's how Honoka envisaged everything panning out in a dream she had - in reality, μ's squeeze into the fourth qualifying slot for the second and final
At least, that's how Honoka envisaged everything panning out in a dream she had - in reality, μ's squeeze into the fourth qualifying slot for the second and final
One Week Friends - Episode 4
The advent of rain means that Hase and Fujimiya's usual rooftop lunchtime spot has to be foregone in favour of merely sitting on the stairs, but this appears to be the least of the pair's troubles in this week's episode of One Week Friends.
Even though it's Hase who is Fujimiya's close friend, somehow the ever-turning school rumour mill has gotten wind that Kiryu is buddies with her, causing
Even though it's Hase who is Fujimiya's close friend, somehow the ever-turning school rumour mill has gotten wind that Kiryu is buddies with her, causing
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 4
Thanks to Sayaka's carefully weighted words, Usa is now convinced that he needs to be the person who can save Ritsu from her own loneliness, leading to him trying to spend time with her whenever possible.
Resisting her hints that she doesn't particularly want him around, circumstances conspire to suggest to Usa that perhaps he's making a breakthrough and getting closer to his senior - however,
Resisting her hints that she doesn't particularly want him around, circumstances conspire to suggest to Usa that perhaps he's making a breakthrough and getting closer to his senior - however,
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 3
Momo Kisaragi's popularity continues to be a major problem for her, and even having avoided the crowds she inadvertently ran into at the end of last week's episode of Mekakucity Actors, it seems that there is yet another person who wants a piece of this young idol.
This person, however, is no ordinary girl, and after claiming that she's just like Momo she sets about proving it - although, to be
This person, however, is no ordinary girl, and after claiming that she's just like Momo she sets about proving it - although, to be
Nisekoi - Episode 16
It's no surprise that Ruri has lost any faith in her friend's ability to snare Ichijou given all of her failings thus far, but perhaps Onodera still has some surprises in store, as she reveals that the start of summer vacation will see Raku coming to visit her at her house. How forward!
What Onodera neglects to mention is that she's actually invited Ichijou there to do some part-time work for
What Onodera neglects to mention is that she's actually invited Ichijou there to do some part-time work for
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 4
In spite of one failed assassination attempt, life carries on as normal (for the most part, anyhow) for the members of the Black Class, with tests occupied much of their time and thoughts and the only distraction coming from stories of the school's mythical "wonders", which duly fascinate Haru.
Of course, an attempted assassination is never far away, and this time around it's Kouko Kaminaga who
Of course, an attempted assassination is never far away, and this time around it's Kouko Kaminaga who
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 3
With a frame tournament going on in Sidonia, the fact that Tanikaze's injuries prevent him from competing is a disappointment to more than just the man himself - still, at least the festival that coincides with said tournament offers plenty of food for him to take his mind off that fact.
The aforementioned tournament also boasts some surprises, with hotly-tipped favourite Kunato bested thanks to
The aforementioned tournament also boasts some surprises, with hotly-tipped favourite Kunato bested thanks to
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 3
With the Adventure Club's most important member now officially part of the organisation, it's time for the club to start doing what it was created for - seeking out parts of the Nanana Collection, via the so-called "Ruins" within which they're hidden.
Of course, it's left to Yuugo to extract the information about the first ruin from Nanana, a painful experience for both body and mind but
Of course, it's left to Yuugo to extract the information about the first ruin from Nanana, a painful experience for both body and mind but
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 4
Yuzuki's defeat at the hands of Akira clearly haven't done her state of mind any good, although this is something that she's determined to hide as she chooses to stay the night following that battle at Ruko's house while seeking to avoid her brother as much as possible.
In her upset state, Yuzuki also can't resist letting slip some of the elements of her wish were she to become an Eternal Girl
In her upset state, Yuzuki also can't resist letting slip some of the elements of her wish were she to become an Eternal Girl
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 3
Having thrashed his teacher to the point of collapse by the end of last week's episode, it seems as if something has awoken within Tsukimoto beneath that dour exterior of his - what a time for it emerge to, with the Kanagawa qualifying round of the high school table tennis championship about to begin.
As you might expect however, it's Peco who appears the most outwardly confident in the build-up
As you might expect however, it's Peco who appears the most outwardly confident in the build-up
No Game No Life - Episode 3
Kurami Zell is about to be crowned the king of Imanity, having exhausted any opposition that faced her. Well, almost all opposition that is, as a certain interloper still has designs on ensuring she fails in her plan.
Although it's too late to do anything about Zell's cheating in her poker game against Stephanie, barging in on her coronation to accuse of her cheating still works wonders,
Although it's too late to do anything about Zell's cheating in her poker game against Stephanie, barging in on her coronation to accuse of her cheating still works wonders,
M3 the dark metal - Episode 1
Humanity, it seems, is in a tight spot (although when it isn't it in anime?), with those that remaining living on the outskirts of a darkness known as the Lightless Realm which has swallowed up everything and everyone in its path, and continues to expand. From these dark depths come strange creatures known as Admonitions, and guardians of the realm known as Corpses.
It isn't all bad news
It isn't all bad news
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 3
They have themselves a song and costumes, now the next question for μ's as the Love Live preliminaries begin is... where should they perform?
The world is their oyster as far as the regulations go, as each group's performance will be live streamed from their chosen location with viewers able to vote and rate the various groups, with only the top four going through to the Love Live finals. With
The world is their oyster as far as the regulations go, as each group's performance will be live streamed from their chosen location with viewers able to vote and rate the various groups, with only the top four going through to the Love Live finals. With
One Week Friends - Episode 3
One month on from their first proper meeting, and Hase and Fujimiya's friendship is still going strong, even after she bombards him with more egg rolls than any one man could ever hope to eat in a single lunchtime.
Although all is very much well between the two of them, Hase remains somewhat concerned by Fujimiya's relationship with the rest of her classmates - thanks to her stony-faced
Although all is very much well between the two of them, Hase remains somewhat concerned by Fujimiya's relationship with the rest of her classmates - thanks to her stony-faced
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 3
They've been living in the same apartment complex for a while now, but Usa still doesn't seem to be having any success at getting closer to Ritsu.
In fact, if anything the distance between them only seems to be growing - a thought which proves to be all the more painfully realised once Usa splashes out his savings on a new bike. With room for someone to ride on the back, Usa is quick to offer
In fact, if anything the distance between them only seems to be growing - a thought which proves to be all the more painfully realised once Usa splashes out his savings on a new bike. With room for someone to ride on the back, Usa is quick to offer
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 2
Another episode means another very different story for this second instalment of Mekakucity Actors, as we explore the life of another character in the form of Momo Kisaragi.
Put simply, Momo is a superstar who is recognised everywhere that she goes - not surprising considering the fact that she's plastered over televisions, billboards and goodness knows what else all around her home city in
Put simply, Momo is a superstar who is recognised everywhere that she goes - not surprising considering the fact that she's plastered over televisions, billboards and goodness knows what else all around her home city in
Nisekoi - Episode 15
Now that Marika has revealed some of her true self (or at least her true accent), the pieces of the puzzle are finally starting to fall into place for Raku regarding who this latest female addition to his life might actually be.
As a result, we're regaled with the full story of their meeting that feted summer, with Marika convalescing on account of her weak constitution out in the country before
As a result, we're regaled with the full story of their meeting that feted summer, with Marika convalescing on account of her weak constitution out in the country before
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 3
Now that the die has been cast and Azuma's role as Ichinose's protector has been decided and agreed upon as valid by the powers that be, the deadly game featuring the members of the Black Class is very much afoot in this week's episode of Riddle Story of Devil.
First out of the gate in an attempt to assassinate Haru is Otoya Takechi - after leaving Haru an anonnymous note of her intentions she
First out of the gate in an attempt to assassinate Haru is Otoya Takechi - after leaving Haru an anonnymous note of her intentions she
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 2
As first sorties go, you can't get much worse luck than Tanikaze, as our protagonist faces the appearance of the Gauna in the midst of the mission - their first appearance in the vicinity of Sidonia for a century.
Badly injured and seemingly dead, even this seems to be a better stroke of luck than squad-mate Yamano, who is introduced to us via a few flashbacks before... well, she gets eaten.
Badly injured and seemingly dead, even this seems to be a better stroke of luck than squad-mate Yamano, who is introduced to us via a few flashbacks before... well, she gets eaten.
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 2
Now that he has some knowledge of Nanana's history and the sphere of her influence, it's not all that surprising that Juugo has found himself picking up a particularly interesting trinket to bring back to show his ethereal flatmate.
As it happens, this strange jewel is in fact part of the Nanana Collection, and what's more he's actually snatched it from under the noses of those who were
As it happens, this strange jewel is in fact part of the Nanana Collection, and what's more he's actually snatched it from under the noses of those who were
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 3
This week's Selector Infected WIXOSS is a tale of two battles - and they really couldn't be any more different...
Having finally caught up with her, Akira has successfully managed to press-gang Yuzuki into a battle - even with knowledge of her opponents dirty tricks and tactics and the ability to circumvent some of them, it all becomes too much when Akira starts looking into not only Yuzuki's
Having finally caught up with her, Akira has successfully managed to press-gang Yuzuki into a battle - even with knowledge of her opponents dirty tricks and tactics and the ability to circumvent some of them, it all becomes too much when Akira starts looking into not only Yuzuki's
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 2
With a now somewhat broken Peco left reeling after being thrashed utterly by star Chinese player Kong Wenge, perhaps this is Smile's time to shine?
If nothing else, it seems as if everyone has suddenly taken an interest in this quiet, sullen lad - Kong himself is still desperate to play against him, but more importantly for Smile his ping pong club overseer Koizumi has decided that Tsukimoto is
If nothing else, it seems as if everyone has suddenly taken an interest in this quiet, sullen lad - Kong himself is still desperate to play against him, but more importantly for Smile his ping pong club overseer Koizumi has decided that Tsukimoto is
No Game No Life - Episode 2
Having landed in their new home, Shiro and Sora have certainly made a quick impact upon those who have come into contact them, and none more so that would-be king Stephanie Dora.
Not that this impact has been an entirely positive one, as Stephanie is furious that having given her a hint that her opponent in the game determining the kingdom's next leader was cheating, Sora didn't expound upon why
Not that this impact has been an entirely positive one, as Stephanie is furious that having given her a hint that her opponent in the game determining the kingdom's next leader was cheating, Sora didn't expound upon why
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 2
Honoka has finally been persuaded to take the helm of μ's in the all-new Love Live, but there's already another crisis to be dealt with!
The issue in question is that this new-look contest is insisting that only new songs are allowed in the competition, so any previously aired or performed tracks are out of the window (goodness knows what this will mean for A-RISE, who only seem to have one song
The issue in question is that this new-look contest is insisting that only new songs are allowed in the competition, so any previously aired or performed tracks are out of the window (goodness knows what this will mean for A-RISE, who only seem to have one song
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 2
While the landlady's away her tenants can play... except she's ensured that Ritsu will be watching over them all and reporting back to her, which negates any possibility of doing anything even vaguely outrageous.
Not that this seems to be stopping Shirosaki, who quickly starts to concoct some plan involving rope and glycerine... luckily, it isn't as kinky as it sounds, as his plan basically
Not that this seems to be stopping Shirosaki, who quickly starts to concoct some plan involving rope and glycerine... luckily, it isn't as kinky as it sounds, as his plan basically
One Week Friends - Episode 2
After a week of friendship with Hase, just as expected Kaori remembers nothing of her classmate's status as a new-found friend. Shock to the system though this might be, Hase has no intentions of giving up and thus starts all over again by asking Fujimiya to be his friend.
This request out of the blue (from her perspective) doesn't exactly go down well, but as she realises that she has no
This request out of the blue (from her perspective) doesn't exactly go down well, but as she realises that she has no
Nisekoi - Episode 14
As if Raku doesn't have enough girl troubles to contend with as it is, the end of last week's episode also saddled him with a fiancée to worry about - it isn't a problem that's going to go away easily either, as it seems that the reason for this engagement is another matter of convenience for Raku's father.
You can probably guess what happens next - the girl in question, Marika Tachibana,
You can probably guess what happens next - the girl in question, Marika Tachibana,
Mekakucity Actors - Episode 1
After an introduction that gives us a glimpse of some approximation of what is about to unfold - or at least who it's going to unfold via - we return to the beginning of our story for Mekakucity Actors opening episode.
That beginning involves a young man named Shintaro Kisaragi, a shut-in who spends his days watching anime and making himself known on Internet message boards. Not that Shintaro
That beginning involves a young man named Shintaro Kisaragi, a shut-in who spends his days watching anime and making himself known on Internet message boards. Not that Shintaro
Knights of Sidonia - Episode 1
In labyrinthine corridors deep underground, a young man shows his piloting abilities in a VR simulator, before hunger forces him to forage for food... a decision which kicks off a chain of events that sets this new spring season show well underway.
With nothing else available, the young man in question decides to help himself to some rice being processed in the vicinity of his "home" (if you can
With nothing else available, the young man in question decides to help himself to some rice being processed in the vicinity of his "home" (if you can
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 2
After introducing us to a number of weird and wonderful Black Class members in its opening instalment, the rest of this unique class' roster is unveiled as we enter Riddle Story of Devil's second episode with things threatening to get serious.
Compared to those outwardly lunatic girls we met initially, this new batch of supposed students seem far more normal and down-to-earth, even if one of
Compared to those outwardly lunatic girls we met initially, this new batch of supposed students seem far more normal and down-to-earth, even if one of
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 2
Ruko might not have any wishes that would drive her on to become an Eternal Girl, but she still seems pretty taken with the game of WIXOSS, spending an entire night staying up to play it with her grandmother.
Meanwhile, Yuzuki may have decided against battling Ruko but she's still very much on the hunt of other Selectors to put herself against, and serendipity leads to her learning of just one
Meanwhile, Yuzuki may have decided against battling Ruko but she's still very much on the hunt of other Selectors to put herself against, and serendipity leads to her learning of just one
Nanana's Buried Treasure - Episode 1
A state-of-the-art, purpose-build location specifically for students and researchers, Academy City... sorry, Nanaejima Island is an impressive seat of learning, all ensconced within one off-shore island. It's also the new home of Juugo Yama, who seems more excited about moving out of his family home than he is about specifically gaining a place on this island.
Needless to say, Yama's first
Needless to say, Yama's first
Ping Pong the Animation - Episode 1
Having already enjoyed a live-action theatrical adaptation over a decade ago, Taiyou Matsumoto's manga gets an animated outing this spring courtesy of the directorial hand of Masaaki Yuasa.
At the heart of the series are two seemingly talented, but very different, table tennis players - the quiet, emotionless and expressionless "Smile", otherwise known as Makoto Tsukimoto, and his long-standing
At the heart of the series are two seemingly talented, but very different, table tennis players - the quiet, emotionless and expressionless "Smile", otherwise known as Makoto Tsukimoto, and his long-standing
No Game No Life - Episode 1
Urban legend has it that there's a team of four gamers who can take on and beat absolutely anybody - a group so powerful that they can take on a team of 1,200 rival players and still emerge victorious, and a group so assured that they don't even need a name, leaving nothing but a blank space where their title should be in the games they play.
In truth, "Blank" are little more than a brother and
In truth, "Blank" are little more than a brother and
Love Live! School Idol Project Season 2 - Episode 1
Kids, everything that you've heard about peer pressure is true - it can force you down some truly shocking paths that you would never have seen yourself traversing otherwise. Like watching Love Live, for example. Having decided to welcome, rather than ignore, the constant chatter in my Twitter timeline as its second season began, I figured I should watch its first series to see what all the
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 13 (Completed)
Having won their match and a place in the semi-finals, the time seems ripe for Kiyosumi's finest to sleep in... except there are other mahjong games to be watched.
More importantly, Nodoka and Yuuki are both keep to see in Hanada in action - a desire which sees Haramura also spotting some old friends in the form of the girls from Achiga's tea. In light of this, Nodoka decides to forgo watching
More importantly, Nodoka and Yuuki are both keep to see in Hanada in action - a desire which sees Haramura also spotting some old friends in the form of the girls from Achiga's tea. In light of this, Nodoka decides to forgo watching
One Week Friends - Episode 1
We're used to seeing quiet, lonely characters in anime, but even against those standards Kaori Fujimiya seems like somebody decidedly different - a girl who isn't so much a loner as someone desperately doing everything in her power to actively repel any auspices of friendship from others.
However, there's always one person who ignores those signs and ploughs on regardless, and in this case that
However, there's always one person who ignores those signs and ploughs on regardless, and in this case that
Riddle Story of Devil - Episode 1
Tokaku Azuma is a brilliant assassin, which makes her the perfect choice for a mission at Myoujou Academy, a boarding school with no shortage of connections to the rich and influential... or it is just her terrible judgement that has made her the ideal choice for the mission in question?
Regardless, Azuma finds herself taking a place in this Academy's so-called Black Class, a class filled with
Regardless, Azuma finds herself taking a place in this Academy's so-called Black Class, a class filled with
Nisekoi - Episode 13
After all of that confusion, it seems that all Raku really needed to do to get the bottom of his promise and who he made it to was take a look at the photos in his father's storeroom. With that out of the way, now all he has to do is find them.
With this proving to be a tougher task than he might have initially expected, Ichijou is one decidedly distracted fellow as he joins his group of
With this proving to be a tougher task than he might have initially expected, Ichijou is one decidedly distracted fellow as he joins his group of
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behaviour! - Episode 1
Having had a rough time of it at his junior high school, Kazunari Usa is a boy whose very much looking forward to his high school life - years that he hope will be sedate and peaceful as he moves out of his parent's home to live alone, and years that might just also net him the girl of his dreams.
Things are certainly looking good when he happens upon a girl who seems totally his type sitting
Things are certainly looking good when he happens upon a girl who seems totally his type sitting
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 26 (Completed)
Another Ofunehiki has brought with it yet another potential disaster, with Manaka all set to be swept away once again only to be saved by, and her place seemingly taken as another Ojoshi replacement, by Miuna.
While Manaka is rescued and whisked to the surface, only for Chisaki and Kaname to discover that she's regained her Ena, Tsumugu and Hikari puzzle over how to save Miuna from her place as
While Manaka is rescued and whisked to the surface, only for Chisaki and Kaname to discover that she's regained her Ena, Tsumugu and Hikari puzzle over how to save Miuna from her place as
Selector Infected WIXOSS - Episode 1
A hot new card game is sweeping the nation - so hot that even (gasp) girls are playing it!
The game in question is WIXOSS (pronounced Wi-cross, incidentally), and it might just be the key to friendship for our protagonist in this new original series for the spring. Ruko isn't exactly a shy or retiring girl, but in spite of this she's found it hard to make any friends at her new school, much to
The game in question is WIXOSS (pronounced Wi-cross, incidentally), and it might just be the key to friendship for our protagonist in this new original series for the spring. Ruko isn't exactly a shy or retiring girl, but in spite of this she's found it hard to make any friends at her new school, much to
Wizard Barristers - Episode 12 (Completed)
Wizard Barristers hasn't exactly been a series with a realistic eye for legal proceedings, but surely even in this world a defendant asking the subject of his crime to be his defence barrister is highly irregular?
Regardless, this is exactly the position that Cecil finds herself in at the behest of Makusu, although to her surprise he reveals that the reason for this is that he wants to make
Regardless, this is exactly the position that Cecil finds herself in at the behest of Makusu, although to her surprise he reveals that the reason for this is that he wants to make
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 12
Last week's episode of The Nationals saw Kiyosumi finally pulling into the lead as our titular character's own monstrous power came to the fore - but is that lead going to stay in place as we reach the final hands of the match?
Of all people, it's the supposedly ordinary Suehara who finally brings Saki's winning run to an end, shifting them into second place. With Kiyosumi now effectively
Of all people, it's the supposedly ordinary Suehara who finally brings Saki's winning run to an end, shifting them into second place. With Kiyosumi now effectively
Space☆Dandy - Episode 13
What on Earth (or beyond Earth, more importantly) could drive a robot to drink coffee? As somehow who loathes the stuff, what would possess anyone to drink coffee? One of these questions, at least, is proffered by the season finale of Space Dandy.
Of course, the robot in question is QT who, having spent some time bemoaning his colleagues wasteful human traits, finds himself entranced by a
Of course, the robot in question is QT who, having spent some time bemoaning his colleagues wasteful human traits, finds himself entranced by a
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 12 (Completed)
Where there's blame there's a claim, but no amount of compensation is going to help Yoppi overcome the ankle injury which looks all set to ruin both her and her group's chance in the Idol Festival final.
Naturally, Yoppi herself tries to put on a brave face and hide her injury from her colleagues, but it quickly becomes clear that something is wrong during the group's rehearsal, and there's
Naturally, Yoppi herself tries to put on a brave face and hide her injury from her colleagues, but it quickly becomes clear that something is wrong during the group's rehearsal, and there's
Nisekoi - Episode 12
Just when it seemed like Raku had discovered and confirmed his "promised girl", up pops another - so is it Kirisaki or Onodera who's the girl he made a promise with ten years previously?
For all of her tough talk about how it couldn't possibly be Ichijou, Chitoge is clearly keen to find out whether Raku is the subject of her cherished (albeit mostly forgotten) memories, and after some
For all of her tough talk about how it couldn't possibly be Ichijou, Chitoge is clearly keen to find out whether Raku is the subject of her cherished (albeit mostly forgotten) memories, and after some
Sakura Trick - Episode 12 (Completed)
It's nearly time to say goodbye to Mitsuki and those in her year as graduation time rolls around... but not before a farewell party at her house!
Although this whole event is supposed to be a surprise party, Mitsuki is already very much aware of what's going on, even if she perhaps wasn't expecting for herself and Sakai to be provided with an entire bucket filled with green tea pudding. As the
Although this whole event is supposed to be a surprise party, Mitsuki is already very much aware of what's going on, even if she perhaps wasn't expecting for herself and Sakai to be provided with an entire bucket filled with green tea pudding. As the
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 22 (Completed)
Sawada seems to have Samurai Flamenco on the rails, but can he break Goto to fully realise his plan?
After flashing through Goto's experiences immediately following the disappearance of his girlfriend to explain why he messages himself as her and - more importantly - why he cherishes one particular message of hers, we reach the crux of Sawada's plot. Put simply, he wants either Goto or Hazama
After flashing through Goto's experiences immediately following the disappearance of his girlfriend to explain why he messages himself as her and - more importantly - why he cherishes one particular message of hers, we reach the crux of Sawada's plot. Put simply, he wants either Goto or Hazama
Kill la Kill - Episode 24 (Completed)
The Original Life Fibre's journey might have been brought to a grinding halt, but the final battle is still a daunting one, with both Ragyo and Harime determined to see their plan to subjugate humanity succeed.
Not only that, but they also seem to hold a lot of the cards - with these "final bosses" seemingly unassailable and the mechanics of their plan protected by a vast barrier, is there any
Not only that, but they also seem to hold a lot of the cards - with these "final bosses" seemingly unassailable and the mechanics of their plan protected by a vast barrier, is there any
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 12 (Completed)
Rikka and Yuuta's "contract" might finally be settled and set in stone now Shichimiya is out of the picture, but it seems that this isn't the end of the matter for Rikka.
After some puzzlement as to why she isn't acting like her usual self around Yuuta, it's Satone who breaks the news to Dekomori and Nibutani - Rikka wants an "enhanced" contract with her boyfriend. As it turns out, this isn't
Golden Time - Episode 24 (Completed)
Just as he'd expected, Banri Tada's memories are about to vanish as if they were never there, and the end of the school festival sees all of his life since his accident simply dissolve as he returns home with his mother, leaving nothing more than a distraught group of friends in his wake.
Although Banri has plenty of notes from his "other" self, upon returning home he seems more than happy not
Although Banri has plenty of notes from his "other" self, upon returning home he seems more than happy not
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 11 (Completed)
Hachiken's dreaded return home to pick up some of his brother's study notes for Mikage all seems to be going smoothly - he's bumped into and managed to impress some former schoolmates, and it seems that his house is empty leaving him free from bumping into his father.
Of course, a boy's luck can only run for so long, and before leaving he finds himself not only meeting his parents but being
Of course, a boy's luck can only run for so long, and before leaving he finds himself not only meeting his parents but being
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 25
The Ofunehiki is drawing ever closer, but in a sense that almost takes a secondary importance in this week's Nagi no Asukara as its cast finally begin to properly sift through their tangled emotions.
It's Miuna who seems to be the week's emotional punching bag once again however, as having to rescue Manaka's pendant containing her feelings from the sea after it was dropped in there by Akira
It's Miuna who seems to be the week's emotional punching bag once again however, as having to rescue Manaka's pendant containing her feelings from the sea after it was dropped in there by Akira
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 11
Her normal role is that of playing defence, but when the going gets tough, the shrine maidens get supernatural, and Iwato is about to unleash the full extent of her powers upon her unsuspecting opponents.
While some may usher their abilities in quietly, the extent of Iwato's influence soon becomes clear, as first one then another tile set seems to vanish from the board for the other players,
While some may usher their abilities in quietly, the extent of Iwato's influence soon becomes clear, as first one then another tile set seems to vanish from the board for the other players,
Wizard Barristers - Episode 11
Time is running out (and so is the animation budget) in this week's Wizard Barristers, as Macal's sinister plan to summon Lucifer kicks into full force.
For Butterfly Law Offices, this means that it's their turn to be invaded, where it quickly becomes clear that resistance will be futile. What their brief resistance does allow, however, is for Cecil to gain some further distant from her
For Butterfly Law Offices, this means that it's their turn to be invaded, where it quickly becomes clear that resistance will be futile. What their brief resistance does allow, however, is for Cecil to gain some further distant from her
Space☆Dandy - Episode 12
Dandy and company bringing in low-rent aliens to Scarlett for payment is nothing new, but now these new alien specimens are so pathetic that they payout is less than the administrative costs of handling them.
In light of this, Scarlett suggests that Dandy shouldn't come back until he brings back a suitable impressive alien; something like, oh, I dunno... a Chamelonian. Of course, our hero is
In light of this, Scarlett suggests that Dandy shouldn't come back until he brings back a suitable impressive alien; something like, oh, I dunno... a Chamelonian. Of course, our hero is
Sakura Trick - Episode 11
There's a new student council president in the house in this week's Sakura Trick, and whaddya know she's a bit of an oddball.
"Sumisumi" as she's known (although don't call her that to her face, Sumi Otokawa is her actual name) is more than a little disappointed that the school doesn't have any budget available to do anything as a thank you to the departing third years, but it comes to her
"Sumisumi" as she's known (although don't call her that to her face, Sumi Otokawa is her actual name) is more than a little disappointed that the school doesn't have any budget available to do anything as a thank you to the departing third years, but it comes to her
Nisekoi - Episode 11
Chitoge and Raku are now on first name terms, but in the latter's case at least it still doesn't exactly trip off the tongue - especially when Onodera's around...
Such thoughts are interrupted by Tsugumi, who appears bringing word of an important event - namely Kirisaki's birthday. What's more, she's arranging a surprise party for her "master", and of course all of our usual suspects are
Such thoughts are interrupted by Tsugumi, who appears bringing word of an important event - namely Kirisaki's birthday. What's more, she's arranging a surprise party for her "master", and of course all of our usual suspects are
Space Brothers - Episode 99 (Completed)
Yes, it's true, this is the end for Space Brothers... at least, it is for now, but with a prequel movie on the way surely this story is one that we'll revisit further again in the future?
Anyhow, Mutta's concerns for his missing brother have escalated to the point where his primary concern should probably now be his own future, after a major lapse of judgment caused a critical issue during a
Anyhow, Mutta's concerns for his missing brother have escalated to the point where his primary concern should probably now be his own future, after a major lapse of judgment caused a critical issue during a
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 11
They've made it to the final of the Idol Festival in Tokyo to stake their claim as an official rival of I-1 Club, but now the Wake Up Girls have to face up to the fact that none other than I-1 Club themselves have effectively pinched their best song.
Just as both group and management are pondering the ways they can detach the devious Hayasaku limb from limb, up pops the man himself to declare
Just as both group and management are pondering the ways they can detach the devious Hayasaku limb from limb, up pops the man himself to declare
Kill la Kill - Episode 23
It's time for the final showdown - well, the almost final showdown - so it's all hands on deck to prevent Life Fibres from taking over the world. And by that, I mean that even Mako is on-hand with her rebuilt Goku Uniform to lend a hand.
If Mako makes the early running in protecting the Naked Sol from invading Covers look easy, the bad news is that things only get tougher and tougher as she
If Mako makes the early running in protecting the Naked Sol from invading Covers look easy, the bad news is that things only get tougher and tougher as she
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 11
Shichimiya's battle with herself was almost won... but Yuuta had to come back and ruin it all, leaving her running from the scene in tears.
In fact, Yuuta has himself a handful in terms of pretty much all of the girls around him - in the wake of that little slice of drama, a rain-soaked Rikka has been left with a cold but refuses to sit still as she seeks to go somewhere that she point-blank
In fact, Yuuta has himself a handful in terms of pretty much all of the girls around him - in the wake of that little slice of drama, a rain-soaked Rikka has been left with a cold but refuses to sit still as she seeks to go somewhere that she point-blank
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 21
Haiji Sawada's reign of terror continues in this week's Samurai Flamenco, and having already struck at many of Hazama's allies his next target is an obvious one - the members of Mineral Miracle Muse.
Although Mari escapes unscathed, her two group-mates aren't so fortunate as both are caught up in a coffee poisoning incident. The better news for Hazama is that Kaname has regained consciousness
Although Mari escapes unscathed, her two group-mates aren't so fortunate as both are caught up in a coffee poisoning incident. The better news for Hazama is that Kaname has regained consciousness
Golden Time - Episode 23
To compound Banri's misery at being dumped by Koko, she's now about to walk out of the festival club too - something which he simply can't countenance.
After chasing her down, he correctly guesses the real reason for their break up, that being that Koko simply can't stand the thought of being around and in love with a Banri who disappears along with his post-accident memories. With this all
After chasing her down, he correctly guesses the real reason for their break up, that being that Koko simply can't stand the thought of being around and in love with a Banri who disappears along with his post-accident memories. With this all
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 10
Having finally urged Mikage to be honest with her family about her own dreams and future career plans, we're somewhat cruelly left hanging until the end of the episode to see exactly how that conversation panned out.
However, in the immediate aftermath as this week's instalment begins, it's clear that Mikage's parents have accepted that she doesn't want to take over the ranch. So, what next?
However, in the immediate aftermath as this week's instalment begins, it's clear that Mikage's parents have accepted that she doesn't want to take over the ranch. So, what next?
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 24
Although it wasn't exactly as Tsumugu might have planned it, his feelings for Chisaki are finally out in the open, leaving him little choice but to follow through and explain them to her in detail.
Unfortunately for him, that isn't enough to make Chisaki fall into his arms - far from it in fact, as she rejects him entirely and runs off. But is Chisaki simply lying to herself? It's Kaname (of
Unfortunately for him, that isn't enough to make Chisaki fall into his arms - far from it in fact, as she rejects him entirely and runs off. But is Chisaki simply lying to herself? It's Kaname (of
Spring 2014 anime preview guide
As per usual, I've written and compiled a new season preview guide over at UK Anime for the Spring 2014 season, and also as per usual I've nearly forgotten to link it here. So, to resolve that - here's a link to my spring 2014 anime preview guide!
Spring 2014 anime preview
As spring seasons go, it's a pretty quiet one in terms of stuff I'm really excited about, but there's a good ten or
Spring 2014 anime preview
As spring seasons go, it's a pretty quiet one in terms of stuff I'm really excited about, but there's a good ten or
Space☆Dandy - Episode 11
Whether you're the leader of an evil organisation or not, forgetting to return a library book is always a concern. The goods news is, when you're the leader of said evil organisation, you can just invade and destroy the planet bugging you with reminders to return the book.
This is no ordinary book however, and what's more it's been stolen, which is in no way related to the super-rare alien
This is no ordinary book however, and what's more it's been stolen, which is in no way related to the super-rare alien
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 10
Toyone Anetai has been towering over her opponents - both literally and figuratively - as part of the final set of matches in this current game, but with the object of her attacks focused upon Himematsu's Suehara Kiyosumi find themselves not too far behind in second place as the first half of this game comes to an end.
Given Toyone's propensity for "chasing" the riichi calls of others, it seems
Given Toyone's propensity for "chasing" the riichi calls of others, it seems
Wizard Barristers - Episode 10
Come the end of last week's Wizard Barristers, Cecil seemed to have landed herself in decidedly hot water as rival forces swirl around her, leading to her trying to escape from Shizumu with some assistance from Kiba Sameoka, even though she really isn't sure who or what she's meant to be running from.
It's ultimately Moyo who saves her from both factions as their magical battle threatens to get
It's ultimately Moyo who saves her from both factions as their magical battle threatens to get
Space Brothers - Episode 98
In the wake of news about his future as an astronaut, Hibito has simply gone missing without a word to anybody - a state of affairs which might be more worrying for Mutta were it not an occurrence that he's had to deal with before while growing up with his brother.
Nevertheless, it's a worrying turn of events that naturally distracts Mutta from his all-important CAPCOM training, which in turn
Nevertheless, it's a worrying turn of events that naturally distracts Mutta from his all-important CAPCOM training, which in turn
Nisekoi - Episode 10
Continuing with their school trip, and following on from last week's bathhouse incident, it's time for Nisekoi to continue its run of highly original ideas with... a test of courage!
While Raku's heart is pounding the next time he sees Chitoge the morning after the night before, Kirisaki herself seems to be as cool as a cucumber - or rather, she's simply better at hiding her nerves. Regardless,
While Raku's heart is pounding the next time he sees Chitoge the morning after the night before, Kirisaki herself seems to be as cool as a cucumber - or rather, she's simply better at hiding her nerves. Regardless,
Sakura Trick - Episode 10
In contrast to some rather mild and enjoyable weather here, it's a cold day in the world of Sakura Trick this week... cold enough for snow, in fact.
This unexpected meteorological arrival fills Haruka with excitement - a little too much excitement perhaps, leading her to suggest that maybe they should eat their lunch outdoors. Rather more sensibly, the rest of the group dismiss the idea without
This unexpected meteorological arrival fills Haruka with excitement - a little too much excitement perhaps, leading her to suggest that maybe they should eat their lunch outdoors. Rather more sensibly, the rest of the group dismiss the idea without
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 10
After all of the recent tensions, it seems that everything has been resolved between the various members of Wake Up Girls, and not a moment too soon with the Idol Festival organised by I-1 Club's head honcho looming.
As a result, much of this week's episode deals with the preparation for the Tohoku region's preliminary round of the contest, as the group practice doggedly, organise their outfit
As a result, much of this week's episode deals with the preparation for the Tohoku region's preliminary round of the contest, as the group practice doggedly, organise their outfit
Kill la Kill - Episode 22
Against all odds, Ryuko has managed to break free of the uniform-turned-prison that is Junketsu, turning the tables once again in the battle for the future of humanity.
It seems, however, like Ryuko might have made one miscalculation in her recovery - pinning Harime to a wall with her half of those infamous scissors. Far from dead, Nui is simply angry, and now that she has both halves of the
It seems, however, like Ryuko might have made one miscalculation in her recovery - pinning Harime to a wall with her half of those infamous scissors. Far from dead, Nui is simply angry, and now that she has both halves of the
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 10
She might have been slow to realise is in spite of all of her interactions with both Yuuta and Rikka of late, but a shocking fact has suddenly come crashing down upon Shichimiya - the realisation that she's in love with Yuuta.
Given Yuuta's "contract" with Rikka, Satone knows that there's nothing that she can do about the situation and thus tries to rid herself of her thoughts and feelings
Given Yuuta's "contract" with Rikka, Satone knows that there's nothing that she can do about the situation and thus tries to rid herself of her thoughts and feelings
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 20
He might have faced off against Prime Ministers and aliens, but Samurai Flamenco might be about to meet his toughest opponent yet... a middle school kid.
Certainly, Haiji Sawada makes an instant impression by blowing up Hazama's apartment before introducing himself properly as the building burns. It seems that, having met Samurai Flamenco in his formative crime-fighting days, Sawada was
Certainly, Haiji Sawada makes an instant impression by blowing up Hazama's apartment before introducing himself properly as the building burns. It seems that, having met Samurai Flamenco in his formative crime-fighting days, Sawada was
Golden Time - Episode 22
Given how quickly it has come, surely Banri's life - or at least his relationship with Koko - isn't going to fall apart so quickly just like that, even in light of Banri running away from his meat party turned heart-to-heart with his friends?
Banri himself is certainly convinced that despite having irrefutably just dumped him, Koko will be back soon enough. However, his long wait shows no signs
Banri himself is certainly convinced that despite having irrefutably just dumped him, Koko will be back soon enough. However, his long wait shows no signs
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 9
Hachiken has finally had enough of being left out of other's conversations and problems for his own good, and with Mikage clearly suffering in the wake of the news about Komaba's farm being declared bankrupt it's time for him to put his foot down.
Try as she might to dissuade him from getting involved and further hurt by her family's predicament, Hachiken simply won't budge on the matter,
Try as she might to dissuade him from getting involved and further hurt by her family's predicament, Hachiken simply won't budge on the matter,
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 23
The revelation that Manaka has lost the ability to love, alongside her memories of who she might once have been in love with, is clearly not good news - what's more, it also opens up a period of open reflection from all of those around her.
For Hikari, his thoughts all remain firmly focused on what he, or anyone else, can do to resolve this issue for Manaka - unfortunately, this coupled with his
For Hikari, his thoughts all remain firmly focused on what he, or anyone else, can do to resolve this issue for Manaka - unfortunately, this coupled with his
Wizard Barristers - Episode 9
After the events that occurred to Cecil and her colleagues in the US and Canada respectively, there are lots of questions to be asked about exactly what's going on and why those at Butterfly Law Offices seem to be the ones in the line of fire.
Of course, Cecil has a greater understanding of exactly what's going on here, and to her eyes it all seems to pertain to her mother's trial and life
Of course, Cecil has a greater understanding of exactly what's going on here, and to her eyes it all seems to pertain to her mother's trial and life
Space Brothers - Episode 97
It's New Year's eve for the Nanba household, and with their parents visiting the US for the occasion Mutta and Hibito can relax and enjoy the company (and some impressive impressions from their dad).
However, Hibito is far from his usual self as he mooches in the back yard rather than spending time with his family, and when quizzed by Mutta about it he wastes no time in casually announcing the
However, Hibito is far from his usual self as he mooches in the back yard rather than spending time with his family, and when quizzed by Mutta about it he wastes no time in casually announcing the
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 9
Usuzumi's power is about to build to a crescendo yet again, and this time around Usuzawa is showing no signs of blocking it as she hopes to see Nodoka play right into their mutual opponents hand. Is Nodoka's insistence that there's nothing supernatural in the world of mahjong about to come back to bite her?
Not on this occasion, no, as the hand fizzles out without incident. From here, blows
Not on this occasion, no, as the hand fizzles out without incident. From here, blows
Space☆Dandy - Episode 10
In a new high watermark for unreliable narration, it seems that the universe of Space Dandy is a universe at war, with two factions - the Gogol and Jaicro empires - duking it out while trying to develop the super-weapons that will give them the upper hand in this conflict.
Not that any of this is much more than tangentially related to Dandy and company's adventures, as an issue with the Aloha Oe
Not that any of this is much more than tangentially related to Dandy and company's adventures, as an issue with the Aloha Oe
Nisekoi - Episode 9
Having started to delve into the truth behind her first love, Chitoge is more than a little keen to do some digging and find out more... however, her plans are scuppered by a planned school open-air field trip.
As you might imagine, the entire trip turns into a particularly heavenly brand of Hell for Raku, starting with the assignment of "teams" within his class, which leaves him sharing the
As you might imagine, the entire trip turns into a particularly heavenly brand of Hell for Raku, starting with the assignment of "teams" within his class, which leaves him sharing the
Sakura Trick - Episode 9
It's almost the New Year in this week's Sakura Trick, so of course while Haruka and Yuu spend time with their respective families they also make sure they have some time to spend with each other, if only via the phone.
Mind you, it seems that a phone call with Haruka is hard work, as she tries to persuade Yuu to sing along to embarrassing song lyrics amongst other things. However, the real
Mind you, it seems that a phone call with Haruka is hard work, as she tries to persuade Yuu to sing along to embarrassing song lyrics amongst other things. However, the real
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 9
Given their current difficulties, it seems like an opportune moment for the Wake Up Girls to take part in a team-building training camp, and with Kaya offering up cheap accommodation (and lots of saury) on account of her aunt running a hotel in Kessennuma there are no real obstacles in the way of making this a reality.
Thus, it's off to this town we go, where we're faced with a striking reminder
Thus, it's off to this town we go, where we're faced with a striking reminder
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 9
At the behest of Kumin's aunt, it's time to head off for some fun (and work) in the sun to offer her a hand in her beach-side restaurant due to said aunt's husband throwing his back out - is the seaside all set to be the location for one of Rikka's greatest battles?
Yuuta is oblivious to any such implications as the regular group arrives and sets out working hard at getting the cafe up and
Yuuta is oblivious to any such implications as the regular group arrives and sets out working hard at getting the cafe up and
Kill la Kill - Episode 21
From heroine to villain in a flash, Ryuko is ow seemingly under the complete control of Ragyo and, perhaps more importantly, Junketsu, as she continues her rivalry with Satsuki with their roles now reversed.
For her part, Satsuki is now clad in Senketsu and seems adept in all of the powers at his disposal... or is she? As his long-standing wearer, it quickly becomes clear to Ryuko that
For her part, Satsuki is now clad in Senketsu and seems adept in all of the powers at his disposal... or is she? As his long-standing wearer, it quickly becomes clear to Ryuko that
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 19
It's now six months after Samurai Flamenco triumphed in his final battle, and it seems as if evil has truly been eradicated from the face of the Earth, leaving Hazama with little to do... apart from prepare to be voted as the President of the World, that is.
Indeed, things are quiet in every walk of life - Goto has little to do but deal with lost children in his job with the police, the biggest
Indeed, things are quiet in every walk of life - Goto has little to do but deal with lost children in his job with the police, the biggest
Golden Time - Episode 21
Understandably, Banri is feeling pretty rough after his "attack" in the middle of the festival during last week's episode, and the fallout from that incident and its impact upon the festival club certainly isn't helping matters.
Even so, Koko isn't exactly too happy at Banri's attempts to run away from whatever ailed him that day, yet he still refuses to talk to her about it and explain exactly
Even so, Koko isn't exactly too happy at Banri's attempts to run away from whatever ailed him that day, yet he still refuses to talk to her about it and explain exactly
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 8
Life is full of disappointments... and not all of them surround cheese as it turns out, at least according to this week's Silver Spoon.
Try telling that to Mr. Nakajima however, who re-emerges after some time away for "personal reasons" having seemingly powered up and become a man on a quest... a cheese-making quest. Before they know it, both Mikage and Hachiken are roped into his little
Try telling that to Mr. Nakajima however, who re-emerges after some time away for "personal reasons" having seemingly powered up and become a man on a quest... a cheese-making quest. Before they know it, both Mikage and Hachiken are roped into his little
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 22
It seems that Uroko is at large on the surface, and he's put all of his abilities to full use by providing Tsumugu with a rather untimely distraction which he's understandably keen to get rid of. But where is this scale of the Sea God exactly?
Although simply searching for him seems to be proving entirely fruitless none of the group are keen to give up, and so they decide to play a little
Although simply searching for him seems to be proving entirely fruitless none of the group are keen to give up, and so they decide to play a little
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 8
It seems as if Usuzumi is about to unleash her full power upon the national tournament, and there's nothing that anyone can do to stop Eisui's diminutive walking wardrobe malfunctioning from doing so. Or is there?
As Usuzumi warms up to her task, it seems that this is Sae Usuzawa's time to shine, and she reveals her own power - the ability to quite simply block her chosen opponent's hand from
As Usuzumi warms up to her task, it seems that this is Sae Usuzawa's time to shine, and she reveals her own power - the ability to quite simply block her chosen opponent's hand from
Wizard Barristers - Episode 8
Now that their run-in with a dangerous criminal is done and dusted, and with any problems caused by their use of magic negated, it's time for Cecil and Hotaru to complete their Canadian trip after saying goodbye to wannabe Wizard Barrister Kaede.
Having been met by Cecil's father with a rifle at their destination, any misunderstandings are quickly cleared up once Cecil arrives on the scene and
Having been met by Cecil's father with a rifle at their destination, any misunderstandings are quickly cleared up once Cecil arrives on the scene and
Space☆Dandy - Episode 9
Meow has another hot tip for a potentially rare alien, and seemingly never learning from past experiences Dandy is all set to try his hand at capturing it. But where to start given that its home planet, Planta, is surrounded by a strong magnetic field?
Well, it just so happens that QT has fixed up their ship's teleporter, making reaching the surface of the planet easy... at least, they can
Well, it just so happens that QT has fixed up their ship's teleporter, making reaching the surface of the planet easy... at least, they can
Space Brothers - Episode 96
While Mutta is taking a bit of a break and dancing the night away with Serika, our attentions in this week's Space Brothers turn to Kenji Makabe and his current state of affairs.
If nothing else, Kenji is certainly busy, with his wife just weeks away from giving birth to their second child, Fuuka keeping him occupied and work providing him with testing and training on a project so secret that he
If nothing else, Kenji is certainly busy, with his wife just weeks away from giving birth to their second child, Fuuka keeping him occupied and work providing him with testing and training on a project so secret that he
Nisekoi - Episode 8
Now that any confusion regarding Tsumugi's gender has been cleared up, everything is back to normal for Kirisaki's bodyguard... well, as normal as it can be when you're a gun-wielding hit-man looking to uncover the truth about your charge's relationship.
The trouble is, Tsumugi isn't feeling too well - her heart races, her face flushes and her mind goes blank, but only when a certain person is
The trouble is, Tsumugi isn't feeling too well - her heart races, her face flushes and her mind goes blank, but only when a certain person is
Sakura Trick - Episode 8
An invitation to a family friend's wedding gives Haruka a chance to take a friend along with her - no surprises for guessing who that might be...
Unfortunately, the vagaries of mobile phone reception means that Yuu mishears this invite to a friend's wedding as an offer for Haruka and Yuu themselves to get married, and flustered though she is by the prospect she has no qualms about accepting this
Unfortunately, the vagaries of mobile phone reception means that Yuu mishears this invite to a friend's wedding as an offer for Haruka and Yuu themselves to get married, and flustered though she is by the prospect she has no qualms about accepting this
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 8
Now that their group is whole again following their tough times revolving around Airi, the pressure is quickly piled on the Wake Up Girls once again as not only are they entered into a competitive idol festival, but also asked to learn a brand new song and dance routine for the event.
With Hayasaku's work with the unit now common knowledge, even amongst all and sundry within I-1 Club (who are
With Hayasaku's work with the unit now common knowledge, even amongst all and sundry within I-1 Club (who are
Kill la Kill - Episode 20
Now that we now know the full truth about Ryuko, her origin and true nature, there's even more reason to detest Ragyo and everything that she stands for.
Although Nudist Beach, the Elite Four and Ryuko are united in their acknowledgment that Ragyo must be stopped, our protagonist couldn't be much more distant from the others as she finds herself entirely consumed by self-loathing, shunning
Although Nudist Beach, the Elite Four and Ryuko are united in their acknowledgment that Ragyo must be stopped, our protagonist couldn't be much more distant from the others as she finds herself entirely consumed by self-loathing, shunning
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 18
Another layer of Samurai Flamenco's world has been peeled away thanks to his latest victory, only to reveal... Alien Flamenco!
Although the populace of Japan - or at least Mari - seems to be growing rather bored of the constant bombastic, booming pronouncements of doom and pending invasion, it's nonetheless up to Hazama to face this new threat as he and his comrades find themselves beamed into a
Although the populace of Japan - or at least Mari - seems to be growing rather bored of the constant bombastic, booming pronouncements of doom and pending invasion, it's nonetheless up to Hazama to face this new threat as he and his comrades find themselves beamed into a
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 8
Things have changed in the clubroom during the duration of Yuuta and Rikka's school trip, but if this isn't evidence of some kind of seismic shift in the universe itself then perhaps Dekomori's getup and behaviour is.
Following on from that whole Mori Summer web site incident during the aforementioned field trip, it seems that Dekomori has gone further down the path of getting to know this (
Following on from that whole Mori Summer web site incident during the aforementioned field trip, it seems that Dekomori has gone further down the path of getting to know this (
Golden Time - Episode 20
Thanks to his discussion with Linda regarding her feelings for Mitsuo, it seems that Banri has landed himself in the doghouse with Chinami for reasons that he can't quite fathom.
Still, at least all is still going well between him and Koko, even if Tada continues to be unsure of what to do about giving her his mother's ring, and of course even when he does manage to be decisive in that regard it
Still, at least all is still going well between him and Koko, even if Tada continues to be unsure of what to do about giving her his mother's ring, and of course even when he does manage to be decisive in that regard it
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 7
Hachiken hasn't quite recovered from either his exhaustion or the frustration of missing out on the school festival, but there's little time to dwell on such things as normal school life returns with a vengeance.
There is, however, one other thing that Hachiken has to worry about - whether his "date" with Mikage is off the cards after his school festival collapse. Luckily for him the answer is
There is, however, one other thing that Hachiken has to worry about - whether his "date" with Mikage is off the cards after his school festival collapse. Luckily for him the answer is
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 21
The last of Shioshishio's group of friends has now awoken from her slumber - so now what for all of those concerned?
Compared to the feelings of confusion, ennui and the like felt by the others who awoke from their five year sleep, Manaka really doesn't seem fazed by how things have changed at all - far from it in fact, she revels in every little difference she encounters, even if most of them
Compared to the feelings of confusion, ennui and the like felt by the others who awoke from their five year sleep, Manaka really doesn't seem fazed by how things have changed at all - far from it in fact, she revels in every little difference she encounters, even if most of them
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 7
It's been a fraught start for Hisa in her own national tournament campaign, but now that she's settled down and gotten her feet under the table things are beginning to shift, if only a little, in her favour.
Given the quality of the opposition on show, even her abilities and patented technique of using bad waits isn't going to power her into the lead however, and with Hiroe once again taking the
Given the quality of the opposition on show, even her abilities and patented technique of using bad waits isn't going to power her into the lead however, and with Hiroe once again taking the
Wizard Barristers - Episode 7
We head off to Boston for this week's Wizard Barristers, as Cecil and company do a little international training and swapping of advice between law offices in Japan and the US.
With this training completed in short measure and with time still to spare, it's suggested that perhaps Cecil should make a "quick" trip over to Canada to visit her father - something that she's incredibly keen to do, but
With this training completed in short measure and with time still to spare, it's suggested that perhaps Cecil should make a "quick" trip over to Canada to visit her father - something that she's incredibly keen to do, but
Space☆Dandy - Episode 8
Dr. Gel has himself a rather nifty tracking device - so nifty that it'll even play music while it's going about its business. Every silver lining has a cloud however... said device also inexplicably fires missiles when its music playback is activated.
Meanwhile, Dandy and company have found themselves exploring a planet made entirely of junk - let's just call it Junkion and start pretending
Meanwhile, Dandy and company have found themselves exploring a planet made entirely of junk - let's just call it Junkion and start pretending
Nisekoi - Episode 7
There's a new transfer student in class, and one that has gotten jaws wagging - certainly, the female body of students can't help but show more than a passing interest in the introduction of the decidedly dish Seishirou Tsumugi.
What's more, it seems that Tsumugi has a long history with Kirisaki, explaining that they were childhood friends who haven't seen one another in quite a while.
What's more, it seems that Tsumugi has a long history with Kirisaki, explaining that they were childhood friends who haven't seen one another in quite a while.
Space Brothers - Episode 95
Now that Eddie Jay is in charge of his backup crew of astronauts, it's clear that a little team-building is essential - so what better way of doing this than letting them talk openly about themselves to the others?
It's Betty who becomes are focus within this activity as her story is clearly the most unique, and also a new one to Mutta. In short, as well as a prospective astronaut herself Betty
It's Betty who becomes are focus within this activity as her story is clearly the most unique, and also a new one to Mutta. In short, as well as a prospective astronaut herself Betty
Sakura Trick - Episode 7
In case you haven't already noticed, Haruka and Yuu will kiss pretty much anywhere - something which threatens to become a problem when they do so while forgetting that Kotone and Shizuku are still in the room!
Having avoided too many awkward questions under the auspices that Haruka was "only trying to undress" Yuu (admittedly not the most helpful of reactions in those circumstances), we can now
Having avoided too many awkward questions under the auspices that Haruka was "only trying to undress" Yuu (admittedly not the most helpful of reactions in those circumstances), we can now
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 7
At the end of last week's episode, new temporary manager Hayasaku left the girls with a simple choice - cut Airi from the group, or they'll all be fired. So what will their decision be?
In exactly the kind of display of uncertainty that Hayasaku was expecting, the girls find themselves pondering what to do, with some seriously considering that perhaps Airi should be let go while others are
In exactly the kind of display of uncertainty that Hayasaku was expecting, the girls find themselves pondering what to do, with some seriously considering that perhaps Airi should be let go while others are
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 7
For all of the lack of romance in their relationship, it seems that Yuuta and Rikka are at least destined to spend a day of their school field trip together to enjoy some time as a couple - an event made even more likely by Nibutani's pre-occupation with the mysterious web site purporting to be hers which is, as it turns out, not another of Dekomori's stunts after all.
But, of course, we can't
But, of course, we can't
Golden Time - Episode 19
Banri's back in town, which means there's little time for him to consider his strange incident involving his "ghost" at the tail end of his trip back home, as he instead finds himself surrounded by his friends.
As Tada and his group of friends head out to lunch, it's a perfect opportunity for Mitsuo to finally reveal his interest in Linda to them, ostensibly to gain a favour from Koko and Banri
As Tada and his group of friends head out to lunch, it's a perfect opportunity for Mitsuo to finally reveal his interest in Linda to them, ostensibly to gain a favour from Koko and Banri
Kill la Kill - Episode 19
As close as it might have come, Satsuki's attempted coup against her mother has ultimately failed, with the so-called Covers beginning their reign of terror over humanity by literally gobbling them up, while Ragyo has a quite literal heart-to-heart with Ryuko to inform her of her true heritage.
Fast forward a month, and things are in a mess - Covers are roaming across Japan swallowing up all
Fast forward a month, and things are in a mess - Covers are roaming across Japan swallowing up all
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 20
Hikari seems utterly confident that Manaka will soon awaken after her return to the surface at his hands - however, one week later there's no sign of this actually happening.
Regardless, Hikari remains upbeat and confident that her spiritual return isn't too far away, while also spending much of his free time in Shioshishio trying to track down Uroko in the hope that he may hold the key to
Regardless, Hikari remains upbeat and confident that her spiritual return isn't too far away, while also spending much of his free time in Shioshishio trying to track down Uroko in the hope that he may hold the key to
Wizard Barristers - Episode 6
If Cecil has been given an easy ride by her employers when it comes to racking up fines thus far, it seems that this honeymoon is well and truly over as she finds herself having strips torn off her for her repeated infractions as this week's episode of Wizard Barristers begins.
Although there aren't many supportive voices on Cecil's side in the office (not helped by her blaming everybody but
Although there aren't many supportive voices on Cecil's side in the office (not helped by her blaming everybody but
Space☆Dandy - Episode 7
If you want to get on Dandy's bad side, there's probably no better way of doing it than usurping him while making an appearance at Boobies.
It's certainly just such a scenario that puts a young man named Prince onto Dandy's radar - no, he isn't a pop star but a rather dashing space racer. Thus, there's only one thing for it in Dandy's eyes... to take on this new nemesis in the Redline... err,
It's certainly just such a scenario that puts a young man named Prince onto Dandy's radar - no, he isn't a pop star but a rather dashing space racer. Thus, there's only one thing for it in Dandy's eyes... to take on this new nemesis in the Redline... err,
Nisekoi - Episode 6
With Kirisaki continuing to grow closer to both Miyamoto and Onodera, some lunchtime discussion (including a packed lunch over and above what any ordinary person would have on Chitoge's part) fills in a surprising blank for her regarding her swimming meet incident and how Ichijou saved her from a fate equal to death.
Much as she loathes the prospect, Kirisaki feels that she really should thank
Much as she loathes the prospect, Kirisaki feels that she really should thank
Space Brothers - Episode 94
We're already well aware of how dysfunctional Mutta's new crew mates are, but such is their inability to work together that even simple tasks like waking up on time in the morning, cooking meals and going for a morning run together seems to be impossible.
In light of all this, Mutta decides that it's up to him to take charge of this motley crew - an idea which falls on deaf ears, and is also
In light of all this, Mutta decides that it's up to him to take charge of this motley crew - an idea which falls on deaf ears, and is also
Sakura Trick - Episode 6
It's the eve of the culture festival, and with lots of work still to do on their outfits for the group's production of Snow White, there's nothing for it but to stay at the school overnight to ensure that everything is completed.
This does pose a challenge for two of the girls however - in Yuu's case, the thought of a dark and largely empty school is a little frightening, while for Shizuku it's
This does pose a challenge for two of the girls however - in Yuu's case, the thought of a dark and largely empty school is a little frightening, while for Shizuku it's
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 6
Following that disastrous live event, it could be argued that the Wake Up Girls need a lucky break... and whaddya know, they might just have one.
The name of the lucky break in question is renowned composer Hayasaku Tasuku, who works for I-1 Club amongst others. It seems that Tasuku is a little bored of life at the top and wants to test his skills with some "potatoes", as he calls them, to see
The name of the lucky break in question is renowned composer Hayasaku Tasuku, who works for I-1 Club amongst others. It seems that Tasuku is a little bored of life at the top and wants to test his skills with some "potatoes", as he calls them, to see
Kill la Kill - Episode 18
After so long butting heads with Ryuko and Nudist Beach, Satsuki's grand plan has finally been revealed... and it couldn't be more different than it outwardly appeared.
Rather than joining forces with her mother Ragyo to subjugate the human face beneath the glory of the Life Fibres, it's actually Satsuki's intention to free mankind from being ruled over by their clothing in a coup that sees
Rather than joining forces with her mother Ragyo to subjugate the human face beneath the glory of the Life Fibres, it's actually Satsuki's intention to free mankind from being ruled over by their clothing in a coup that sees
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 6
The prospect of a school field trip is always an exciting time... unless you're Rikka Takanashi, that is, in which case you'd probably rather spend your time roaming around like some two-bit knock-off of Sam Fisher.
Having managed to get her to put down the night vision goggles for long enough to pack and prepare, Yuuta settles down for a pleasant trip with Rikka - a trip that proves to be a
Having managed to get her to put down the night vision goggles for long enough to pack and prepare, Yuuta settles down for a pleasant trip with Rikka - a trip that proves to be a
Golden Time - Episode 18
Koko was never likely to cope all that well with Banri leaving her behind to return home for a spell over the summer, but even by her standards she seems to have gotten herself embroiled in some "interesting" adventures, as her decision to take a look inside Banri's apartment ultimately leaves her at the mercy of Nana and her nefarious plans.
Meanwhile, it's time for Banri himself to face up to
Meanwhile, it's time for Banri himself to face up to
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 17
Cornered and with all hope slipping away, Hazama needs a friend... thankfully, he's realised that he has one just in time to turn to Goto for help in this time of need.
It seems that our favourite policeman has been waiting for just this moment too, and with some further assistance from Harazuka and his ever-reliable stash of gadgets Samurai Flamenco lives to fight another day... a day which
It seems that our favourite policeman has been waiting for just this moment too, and with some further assistance from Harazuka and his ever-reliable stash of gadgets Samurai Flamenco lives to fight another day... a day which
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 6
The culture festival is about to begin at Ooezo Agricultural High School... not that Hachiken is going to be around to enjoy having literally worked until he dropped to prepare for the event.
Needless to say, Hachiken's cohorts are decidedly worried by Hachiken's collapse, but with the festival opening its doors the last thing they want to do is let down the gathering crowds - or Hachiken and
Needless to say, Hachiken's cohorts are decidedly worried by Hachiken's collapse, but with the festival opening its doors the last thing they want to do is let down the gathering crowds - or Hachiken and
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 19
Manaka's return to the surface seems to have rekindled an old memory in Chisaki's mind, as she recalls a time when both herself and Manaka were found and rescued by Hikari having become lost on some kind of expedition. Some things never change, it seems...
Back in the present, Manaka still hasn't regained consciousness after several days on the surface, although as far as the doctor is
Back in the present, Manaka still hasn't regained consciousness after several days on the surface, although as far as the doctor is
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 6
The second game of the match at hand is now over, but before the third can begin... it's time for lunch!
After a little catching up with various individuals and teams involved in the tournament, from some of the commentators through to Achiga Girls' School (remember them?), it's time for Hisa to take centre stage. Well, actually, it isn't time for that at all, as she rolls up to the table
After a little catching up with various individuals and teams involved in the tournament, from some of the commentators through to Achiga Girls' School (remember them?), it's time for Hisa to take centre stage. Well, actually, it isn't time for that at all, as she rolls up to the table
Wizard Barristers - Episode 5
This week on Wizard Barristers - "When bowling goes bad"... in a rather delicious slice of irony for those at Butterfly Law Offices, it's an individual from the rival Shark Knight office that needs defending in light of accusations of murder after a vengeful prank by one of their number appears to have culminated in the murder of a bowling alley manager.
It's to Cecil that the group looks to
It's to Cecil that the group looks to
Space☆Dandy - Episode 6
A planet called Eden might not sound like the place to find rare aliens, but QT is convinced it's the perfect place to do a little alien hunting. Never mind those vast geysers. Or the war that's been raging for 10,000 years. Or the no-fly zones.
Ultimately, QT's bout of forgetfulness leaves the Aloha Oe crashing to the planet's surface and in rather a mess, and while QT is tasked with
Ultimately, QT's bout of forgetfulness leaves the Aloha Oe crashing to the planet's surface and in rather a mess, and while QT is tasked with
Space Brothers - Episode 93
Mutta has been assigned to a group of misfits as the backup crew for the next lunar mission, with an eye towards being the full crew in the mission after that, but who will captain this selection of oddballs?
For his part Butler seems to know just the man to lead them to the Moon, but can he convince that person to take the job? It's already been rejected once by the candidate in question, but
For his part Butler seems to know just the man to lead them to the Moon, but can he convince that person to take the job? It's already been rejected once by the candidate in question, but
Nisekoi - Episode 5
Ruri's plans to bring Onodera closer to Ichijou in last week's episode ended up backfiring somewhat thanks to that whole "trapped in a storeroom" incident involving Kirisaki - however, she isn't done with her attempts to play cupid by any stretch of the imagination.
For starters, she makes sure to talk loudly about Onodera's key, and how it pertains to a boy she was in love with a decade
For starters, she makes sure to talk loudly about Onodera's key, and how it pertains to a boy she was in love with a decade
Sakura Trick - Episode 5
Falling asleep at her desk isn't exactly new territory for Yuu - what is unusual however is her awakening to find that Haruka has left without her.
Unbeknownst to Yuu, it seems that Haruka has some business with her sister, taking her (amongst others) to a nearby coffee shop - not the smartest idea it seems, as the place is teeming with students who have all had a similar idea. The reason for
Unbeknownst to Yuu, it seems that Haruka has some business with her sister, taking her (amongst others) to a nearby coffee shop - not the smartest idea it seems, as the place is teeming with students who have all had a similar idea. The reason for
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 16
Now that the Prime Minister's plan is in full swing, the Flamengers and Kaname are under arrest while those around them are most certainly under suspicion. Only one man has managed to evade capture thus far... Flamen Red, Hazama himself, of course.
While Hazama roams the streets alone in a continued attempt to evade his captors, our focus shifts for a while take in what has become of the
While Hazama roams the streets alone in a continued attempt to evade his captors, our focus shifts for a while take in what has become of the
Wake Up, Girls! - Episode 5
The Wake Up Girls have themselves a second song, and now they have themselves a second concert. There is one slight problem with this however - it takes place on the same day as one of I-1 Club's events in Sendai.
Still, the group's members aren't to be deterred by this, and set about working hard on learning the song, choreography and ensuring that they do the best they can with the
Still, the group's members aren't to be deterred by this, and set about working hard on learning the song, choreography and ensuring that they do the best they can with the
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN - Episode 5
You know how it goes with school clubs in Japan - someone is always looking to get you shut down, whether it's for not having enough members or not participating in sufficient activities.
It's just this threat which hangs over the gang's after-school club in this week's Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - with room for clubs sparse, the student council has decided that some of them simply have to
It's just this threat which hangs over the gang's after-school club in this week's Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions - with room for clubs sparse, the student council has decided that some of them simply have to
Golden Time - Episode 17
Everything is just peachy again for Banri and Koko after their issues in last week's episode... the trouble is, nobody else seems to have cottoned on to that fact.
More specifically, their fellow club members are still laboring under the misgiving that the pair have broken up, and thus both Banri and Koko are treated decidedly oddly by their relieved yet creepily supportive clubmates until they
More specifically, their fellow club members are still laboring under the misgiving that the pair have broken up, and thus both Banri and Koko are treated decidedly oddly by their relieved yet creepily supportive clubmates until they
Kill la Kill - Episode 17
Culture festivals... sport festivals... we've seen them all a million times before in anime. But what happens when you combine the two? Welcome to the world of Kill la Kill.
After being informed of Ragyo's plans and the truth about Life Fibres, there's little time for things to sink in for Ryuko as Satsuki's return to Honnouji Academy heralds the start of preparations to welcome her mother (
After being informed of Ragyo's plans and the truth about Life Fibres, there's little time for things to sink in for Ryuko as Satsuki's return to Honnouji Academy heralds the start of preparations to welcome her mother (
Silver Spoon Season 2 - Episode 5
The culture festival is just two weeks away, and if you want something doing there's only one safe pair of hands to turn to - no prizes for guessing who those hands belong to...
As a result, Hachiken finds himself becoming the "go-to" man for his class' culture festival preparations, involving himself in everything from the scheduling through to the finances without complaint. As if this wasn't
As a result, Hachiken finds himself becoming the "go-to" man for his class' culture festival preparations, involving himself in everything from the scheduling through to the finances without complaint. As if this wasn't
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 18
Thanks to a mixture of Miuna's sharp hearing and Tsumugu and company's research, a route into Shioshishio has been found, allowing Miuna to accompany Hikari and Kaname on their return home.
Of course, with the rest of the populace still in hibernation this is a decidedly eerie homecoming, and although Hikai admonishes Miuna from being creeped out by the statuesque individuals dotted around town
Of course, with the rest of the populace still in hibernation this is a decidedly eerie homecoming, and although Hikai admonishes Miuna from being creeped out by the statuesque individuals dotted around town
Saki - The Nationals - Episode 5
The first match-up of the game at hand in the National Tournament is about to come to a close - but is the game about to explode into life?
Certainly, the team-mates of Suzu Ueshige are expecting just such an explosion out of her thanks to their knowledge of her abilities which are, for the most part, well hidden. However, Yuuki has no intention of giving up Kiyosumi's hard-earned lead thanks
Certainly, the team-mates of Suzu Ueshige are expecting just such an explosion out of her thanks to their knowledge of her abilities which are, for the most part, well hidden. However, Yuuki has no intention of giving up Kiyosumi's hard-earned lead thanks
Wizard Barristers - Episode 4
Having committed no fewer that fifteen murders, it seems that the arrest of Tsukuji Shimizu is simply a terrible felon finally being brought to justice. However, somebody has to act as the defence attorney for the accused, and no prizes for guessing who that might be...
Of course, it's Butterfly Law Offices who find themselves with the case, as brought to them by Tsukuji's twin brother, and
Of course, it's Butterfly Law Offices who find themselves with the case, as brought to them by Tsukuji's twin brother, and
Space☆Dandy - Episode 5
Eight million Woolongs is nothing to be sniffed at; who cares if the alien with that price on its head has made numerous other alien hunters look like absolute fools already?
Dandy certainly doesn't care, and so off he marches to find the subject of this hefty bounty - an alien known as a Gentooan, who turns out to be little more than a kid. This is no ordinary kid however, as one touch from
Dandy certainly doesn't care, and so off he marches to find the subject of this hefty bounty - an alien known as a Gentooan, who turns out to be little more than a kid. This is no ordinary kid however, as one touch from
World Conquest Zvezda Plot - Episode 4 (Dropped)
Asuta seems to have made himself at home as the Zvezda Organisation's cook and odd-jobs man, although cooking for a robot still proves to be tricky, as does trying to explain away why Natasha ended up sleeping in his bed.
Still, it's Roboko's situation that is the real problem here - as she refuses to eat cooked udo, it's off to the basement to pick some more... only to find that it all dies
Still, it's Roboko's situation that is the real problem here - as she refuses to eat cooked udo, it's off to the basement to pick some more... only to find that it all dies
Nisekoi - Episode 4
With a little help from Ichijou, Kirisaki has managed to make herself some friends and is now getting along like a house on fire with her classmates, bringing her a new dimension of happiness to the point where it's actually starting to disturb Raku a little.
Meanwhile, Onodera is continuing to watch this pair's pseudo-romance from afar - it isn't too difficult to see where her feelings reside,
Meanwhile, Onodera is continuing to watch this pair's pseudo-romance from afar - it isn't too difficult to see where her feelings reside,
Space Brothers - Episode 92
Now that Hibito is clear to return to space as and when a mission demands it, our focus can return to Mutta as he begins his training as part of a backup crew for the first time.
As Mutta makes his way to begin this training alongside the rest of the crew and staff that make up the backup team he quickly runs into a familiar (and rather lofty) face, that being Andy from his NEEMO training. As
As Mutta makes his way to begin this training alongside the rest of the crew and staff that make up the backup team he quickly runs into a familiar (and rather lofty) face, that being Andy from his NEEMO training. As
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