Banri's return home has proved to be rather a confusing one for him - spurred on by a seemingly random comment from Linda, a hunt through his old possessions seems to suggest beyond all doubt that she knew him - and was very close to him in fact - before amnesia struck him and his memories.
Not that there's all that much time to digest this possibility, as Koko is as ebullient as ever - indeed,
Galilei Donna - Episode 4
The search for the Galileo Tesoro is on - first stop, Germany!
Upon landing at their desired location, it quickly becomes clear that a park has recently been built over the land where the first clue to this treasure is hidden, which looks likely to make finding it difficult. In fact, all the girls can find within the park is a homeless man on the scrounge for food, and upon helping him out they
Upon landing at their desired location, it quickly becomes clear that a park has recently been built over the land where the first clue to this treasure is hidden, which looks likely to make finding it difficult. In fact, all the girls can find within the park is a homeless man on the scrounge for food, and upon helping him out they
Kill la Kill - Episode 5
After last week's frivolity, it's back to school for Matoi - but it seems she's being watched through the scope of a sniper, and more to the point by a man named Tsugumu Kinagase.
It soon becomes clear that Kinagase is not someone to be trifled with as he quickly and easily dispatches a Goku Uniform gardening club head without a second though, and the next thing we know he's given Mako a little
It soon becomes clear that Kinagase is not someone to be trifled with as he quickly and easily dispatches a Goku Uniform gardening club head without a second though, and the next thing we know he's given Mako a little
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 5
It's decision time for Akari as the future of her relationship comes to a head in this week's Nagi no Asukara - mind you, it seems as if the wheels are now well and truly in motion for some of the other romantic entanglements portrayed by the series too.
Most notably, Chisaki has not so much put her foot in it as thrust her entire leg into an open wound, as an impromptu admittance Tsumugu about
Most notably, Chisaki has not so much put her foot in it as thrust her entire leg into an open wound, as an impromptu admittance Tsumugu about
Coppelion - Episode 5
Now that the rescue of Professor Shiba has been completed, a clean-up operation is beginning of the toxic waste that has been found dumped in the city and all appears to be well - or at least as well as it can be in an irradiated city.
Any such sense of tranquility doesn't last long however, and before we know it a tank has appeared to shoot down one of the modified helicopters charged with
Any such sense of tranquility doesn't last long however, and before we know it a tank has appeared to shoot down one of the modified helicopters charged with
Beyond the Boundary - Episode 5
The Hollow Shadow (or whatever it was that attacked the town) might have been defeated, but there's now a new danger for Mirai to face - joining the literature club and its pair of male members who waste no time in proving that they have mastered the art of sexual harassment.
Still, this isn't the only thing of note going on in the lives of the main cast in the wake of the previous episode, as
Still, this isn't the only thing of note going on in the lives of the main cast in the wake of the previous episode, as
White Album 2 - Episode 4
With the main trio of their new band now assembled, it's time for the real hard work to begin for the light music club with the school festival fast approaching.
Luckily for Haruki, Touma is both a decent teacher and an incredibly hard taskmaster who simply refuses to give up as her new club-mate fumbles over the same parts of the song over and over again - indeed, quite a rapport seems to be
Luckily for Haruki, Touma is both a decent teacher and an incredibly hard taskmaster who simply refuses to give up as her new club-mate fumbles over the same parts of the song over and over again - indeed, quite a rapport seems to be
Space Brothers - Episode 79
Is this the end of the road for Hibito's career in space? It certainly seems that way as he received the fateful call to return to the US and NASA with his rehabilitation still very much incomplete.
Much to the frustration of Ivan, there's nothing he or his higher-ups can suggest to prevent Hibito's departure, and it goes without saying that Olga isn't exactly thrilled to learn that he'll be
Much to the frustration of Ivan, there's nothing he or his higher-ups can suggest to prevent Hibito's departure, and it goes without saying that Olga isn't exactly thrilled to learn that he'll be
Little Busters! Refrain - Episode 4
Kurugaya seems to have vanished without a trace, but it's some of her parting words that are playing on Riki's mind as this week's Little Busters! Refrain begins - a demand that he look after Rin.
This request is brought into relief yet further by a stalker of Naoe revealing herself before dealing him an impromptu confession to ponder. Happy though he is to find a cute girl telling him that she
This request is brought into relief yet further by a stalker of Naoe revealing herself before dealing him an impromptu confession to ponder. Happy though he is to find a cute girl telling him that she
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova - Episode 4
Although it had hardly been a happy homecoming for Chihaya and his crew in the first place, things look set to become a whole lot more uncomfortable as the port of Yokosuka finds itself the subject of a concerted attack by a pair of Fog battleships.
This deadly duo, known as Haruna and Kirishima to Iori, have no qualms about laying waste to everything that they see before them, and with the
This deadly duo, known as Haruna and Kirishima to Iori, have no qualms about laying waste to everything that they see before them, and with the
Monogatari Second Season - Episode 17
It's time for Shinobu to take centre stage once again - well, not that she truly arrives until late in this episode, but then again this instalment also promises a journey four hundred years into her past but we haven't quite arrive there yet either.
Anyhow, our real focus for much of this episode sees Koyomi spending some time with Hachikuji, and more specifically seeking to return her backpack
Anyhow, our real focus for much of this episode sees Koyomi spending some time with Hachikuji, and more specifically seeking to return her backpack
Golden Time - Episode 4
Linda and her festival club's appearance ensured that Kaga and Banri were saved from the perils of the religious cult into which they have stumbled, but have either of them learned anything about pouring their hearts out to one another in the wake of that disastrous "club trip".
Well, no, it seems - having sent Kaga a text to find out whether she was okay during that incident, it seems that
Well, no, it seems - having sent Kaga a text to find out whether she was okay during that incident, it seems that
Neneko-chan Kawaii
I'd like to dedicate this next post to Neneko, a Taiwainese cosplayer which has caught my eye over last couple of years. Her amazing cosplay is always spot on, my favourite has to be Kirino Kouska, from the anime Ore No Imouto. 

Samurai Flamenco - Episode 3
Samurai Flamenco is becoming a YouTube sensation, and as you might expect this quickly starts to cause some issues for Hazama when it comes to preserving the secret of his true identity.
Most pressing of these issues is Ishihara, who is beginning to have very definite suspicions about what her charge is up to, even though he dnies outright to her face (and her death threats) that he isn't
Most pressing of these issues is Ishihara, who is beginning to have very definite suspicions about what her charge is up to, even though he dnies outright to her face (and her death threats) that he isn't
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 4
As if Akari's romantic entanglement with someone from the land wasn't tough enough, we now learn that the man in question has a daughter of his own, which only succeeds in further inflaming Hikari's ire.
However, and perhaps surprisingly for him, rather than take action at the behest of said daughter and her friend, he chooses to simply walk away. Unfortunately, this isn't a habitual reaction
However, and perhaps surprisingly for him, rather than take action at the behest of said daughter and her friend, he chooses to simply walk away. Unfortunately, this isn't a habitual reaction
Kill la Kill - Episode 4
Does Senketsu come with washing instructions? Can he be tumble dried? Is he suitable for ironing? So many important questions that we have to face as this week's Kill la Kill begins.
Unfortunately, it seems that Mako's mother has little concerns about such things, and thus Matoi awakens to find Senketsu being thoroughly washed, meaning that there's nothing for it than to for her to go to
Unfortunately, it seems that Mako's mother has little concerns about such things, and thus Matoi awakens to find Senketsu being thoroughly washed, meaning that there's nothing for it than to for her to go to
Galilei Donna - Episode 3
The Ferrari sisters have escaped their pursuers for the time being, and their father is also on the run, but it seems that their mother hasn't been quite so luckily...
We learn this as the true face of the family's nemesis becomes clear - outwardly, they're a respectable company named Adni Moon, but beneath that businesslike exterior resides their darker face, Messier, a group responsible for
We learn this as the true face of the family's nemesis becomes clear - outwardly, they're a respectable company named Adni Moon, but beneath that businesslike exterior resides their darker face, Messier, a group responsible for
Coppelion - Episode 4
Trained in combat or not, most people would leave an escaping stealth bomber well alone - not so Ibara and company, who are keen to give chase against the mysterious individuals who landed said bomber in the middle of the city.
Then again, when you have a guided rocket launcher to hand, maybe chasing after the bomber in a jeep isn't such a crazy idea - cue the obligatory (but really rather
Then again, when you have a guided rocket launcher to hand, maybe chasing after the bomber in a jeep isn't such a crazy idea - cue the obligatory (but really rather
Beyond the Boundary - Episode 4
Despite all advice to the contrary, Mirai has headed off alone to defeat the Hollow Shadow - luckily for her she isn't entirely alone, as inevitably Akihito has taken it upon himself to follow her.
Although he manages to save Mirai from her immediate fate and an unexpected enemy, escaping the clutches of the Hollow Shadow itself is another matter entirely, and it's a problem which only becomes
Although he manages to save Mirai from her immediate fate and an unexpected enemy, escaping the clutches of the Hollow Shadow itself is another matter entirely, and it's a problem which only becomes
Monogatari Second Season - Episode 16
With Nadeko's story arc not at all resolved but put on the back burner until a later date, it's back to the recap episodes for this episode of Monogatari Second Season.
More precisely, this episode takes us back through the events of Nisemonogatri at break-neck speed - something which still doesn't really suit this series where the execution is usually more entertaining than the pay-off.
More precisely, this episode takes us back through the events of Nisemonogatri at break-neck speed - something which still doesn't really suit this series where the execution is usually more entertaining than the pay-off.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova - Episode 3
With Takao defeated in impressive fashion, the I-401 and her crew can continue onto their destination, which marks a return home for Gunzou and company as they dock in the port of Yokosuka, now impressively fortified to protect against the Fog.
With the resupply of food and munitions underway, but the supergravity cannon beyond repair with the materials currently at their disposal, Chihaya
With the resupply of food and munitions underway, but the supergravity cannon beyond repair with the materials currently at their disposal, Chihaya
White Album 2 - Episode 3
The mystery pianist has been revealed, and it's none other than the girl who sits right next to Haruki in class!
Indeed, perhaps more notable here is that the girl in question, Kazusa Touma, is in fact a long-standing friend of Haruki's - or perhaps we should say was a long-standing friend, as they don't really talk much these days. Despite being the girl who taught him to play guitar in the
Indeed, perhaps more notable here is that the girl in question, Kazusa Touma, is in fact a long-standing friend of Haruki's - or perhaps we should say was a long-standing friend, as they don't really talk much these days. Despite being the girl who taught him to play guitar in the
Little Busters! Refrain - Episode 3
What looked like a case of déjà vu on Riki's part has now escalated far beyond that, as he finds himself reliving the 20th of June over and over and over again - a series of events that led to me suffering from brief flashbacks to Endless Eight.
Although most of those around him seem to have no recollection of previous instances of the same day, Kurugaya also seems to be experiencing the same
Although most of those around him seem to have no recollection of previous instances of the same day, Kurugaya also seems to be experiencing the same
Space Brothers - Episode 78
Hibichov... err, Hibito... has seen Olga's clumsy first steps into ballet, followed by the finished product and rising star that she is now. But how did she come to reach these heights of her talent?
It's something for Hibito to ponder as he finds Olga hanging out with him, heading out on a "date" with him where he ends up buying her coffee and boots. Unfortunately, her father won't divulge
It's something for Hibito to ponder as he finds Olga hanging out with him, heading out on a "date" with him where he ends up buying her coffee and boots. Unfortunately, her father won't divulge
Golden Time - Episode 3
Having had her complaints about being left alone with nobody to talk to at university heard, Koko has herself a club to join thanks to Banri, and without further ado it's time to set off on what promises to be an enjoyable club getaway with both new and existing members of this vague but intriguing outfit.
However, the reason for the lack of clarity surrounding this club quickly becomes clear,
However, the reason for the lack of clarity surrounding this club quickly becomes clear,
Galilei Donna - Episode 2
When it comes to conflict resolution, it's hard to beat a flying, mechanised goldfish, and thanks to Hozuki any immediate threat to her family has been well and truly been quelled, damage to the family home and surroundings be damned.
Indeed, the rest of the Ferrari family are beyond impressed with both Hozuki's guts and her engineering ability as they quiz her on the origins of her machine -
Indeed, the rest of the Ferrari family are beyond impressed with both Hozuki's guts and her engineering ability as they quiz her on the origins of her machine -
Kill la Kill - Episode 3
This third episode of Kill la Kill begins by offering us a rare moment to get into the head of antagonist Satsuki Kiryuin - or at least it lets us see the object of her desires, a garment which seems not entirely dissimilar to that discovered and sported by Matoi, and a piece of clothing promised to Satsuki as the head of the family upon her marriage.
Meanwhile, Matoi herself is looking to find
Meanwhile, Matoi herself is looking to find
Pokemon X and Y
Last week, The Pokémon Company released
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for the Nintendo
3DS. In Japan, the pair of games collectively
sold 1.86 million copies at retail in their first
week on the market.
Additionally, Japanese sales tracker Media
Create provide a very interesting tidbit about
the two games in their latest weekly sales
report: The majority of people that bought
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y at launch in Japan
were college students, the reason being that
school kids have been busy with exams.
This demonstrates the continuation of an
ongoing trend. Since the release of Pokémon
HeartGold/SoulSilver , the Pokémon audience
has gradually been expanding to include more
older players. In fact, at the time of Pokémon
Black/White’s launch in 2010, first-week sales
were divided among a broad spectrum of
gamers ranging from very young children to
people aged 19 – 24.
So, in the case of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y,
where school kids were preoccupied with
exams, Pokémon’s older fanbase picked up the
slack. In the weeks ahead, it should be
interesting to see how sales hold up, since
more kids will be free to buy the games, and
Media Create recently reported that Monster
Hunter 4 has begun selling to younger players
now, too. That means the two games will likely
initially compete with each other for people’s
Food for thought:
Interestingly, Animal Crossing has been
following the same trend as Pokémon , and
amassing a greater number of players between
the ages of 19 – 24. The primary difference is
that a greater portion of Animal Crossing’s
audience consists of women.
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 2
Humble though his beginnings might be, but Samurai Flamenco is continuing to fight against evil as best he knows how... even if this knowledge is limiting him to telling people not to put out their rubbish at the wrong time amongst other things.
No matter how pure his motivations, it seems as if a lot of people are getting the wrong idea about what Samurai Flamenco is up to in some shape or form
No matter how pure his motivations, it seems as if a lot of people are getting the wrong idea about what Samurai Flamenco is up to in some shape or form
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 3
Hikari's sister is in hot water (with no pun intended) now that her relationship with a boy from the surface has been discovered - as she's lectured by the elders, is she prepared to give up on her under-sea life, or instead abandon her love?
Inevitably, Hikari isn't exactly the type to leave well alone as this scenario pans out, and after a "strategy meeting" which ends up with him hearing
Inevitably, Hikari isn't exactly the type to leave well alone as this scenario pans out, and after a "strategy meeting" which ends up with him hearing
Coppelion - Episode 3
The events of the previous episode are clearly still resounding with Ibara as this third instalment of Coppelion begins - there's little time to fret over those events however, as another mission quickly comes their way.
Put simply, the trio's latest task is to find the "delivery man" who has been bringing aid to numerous survivors within this post-apocalyptic wasteland, and with the group
Put simply, the trio's latest task is to find the "delivery man" who has been bringing aid to numerous survivors within this post-apocalyptic wasteland, and with the group
White Album 2 - Episode 2
Haruki's usual impromptu duet with a pianist in the adjoining music room has suddenly been complemented by some unknown vocalist with a beautiful voice - you can hardy blame him, then, for rushing to the rooftop to find its source.
Of course, we could already have guessed who the owner of that voice would be - none other than Setsuna Ogiso. Despite his better judgement, he asks her to join the
Of course, we could already have guessed who the owner of that voice would be - none other than Setsuna Ogiso. Despite his better judgement, he asks her to join the
Beyond the Boundary - Episode 3
Having made her position as not only a loner but also (in her mind) a murderer, Mirai continues to go it alone while shunning the help of those around her...
...unless it comes to the prospect of receiving a 10,000 Yen bill, that is. It seems that money is still a weak spot for Mirai even as she refuses to except any assistance when it comes to either her life or her youmu hunting. This looks
...unless it comes to the prospect of receiving a 10,000 Yen bill, that is. It seems that money is still a weak spot for Mirai even as she refuses to except any assistance when it comes to either her life or her youmu hunting. This looks
Space Brothers - Episode 77
Hibito is at an all-time low as this latest instalment of Space Brothers begins - so much so that he isn't even turning up to his training-cum-rehabilitation any more, and to all intents and purposes it seems as though he's given up on any hope of recovery.
Although Ivan isn't the type to call his temporary subordinate in and force him to attend his rehabilitation sessions, he does have a
Although Ivan isn't the type to call his temporary subordinate in and force him to attend his rehabilitation sessions, he does have a
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova - Episode 2
As this second episode of Arpeggio of Blue Steel opens, there's a formidable challenge on the horizon for Gunzou and Iona being posed by the Fleet of Fog.
As a typhoon rages overhead, the threat in question is posed by another of the Fog's war vessels known as Takao, and we join the battle to find that said vessel is unerringly destroying any decoy ships that Iona happens to toss into their
As a typhoon rages overhead, the threat in question is posed by another of the Fog's war vessels known as Takao, and we join the battle to find that said vessel is unerringly destroying any decoy ships that Iona happens to toss into their
Little Busters! Refrain - Episode 2
Naoe's latest bout of narcolepsy seems to have brought with it a strange sense of deja-vu - not that this is his major concern, as he awakes to find that Kurugaya has been taking care of him during his sleep.
Being the person that she is, it seems that Kurugaya can't resist teasing and flirting with Naoe, making him increasingly flustered before telling him that she likes him. Naturally, this
Being the person that she is, it seems that Kurugaya can't resist teasing and flirting with Naoe, making him increasingly flustered before telling him that she likes him. Naturally, this
Monogatari Second Season - Episode 15
Nadeko has found what she's looking for on behalf of Kuchinawa, but unfortunately for her this discovery also coincides with Araragi returning home, and needless to say he's keen to stop her from doing anything foolish.
As Koyomi pleads with Sengoku to put the talisman she's found down, our protagonist for this story arc seem to have little intent of doing so. Such is the severity of the
As Koyomi pleads with Sengoku to put the talisman she's found down, our protagonist for this story arc seem to have little intent of doing so. Such is the severity of the
Catherine nurse cosplay
Catherine (ã‚ャサリン Kyasarin ? ) is a puzzle-platformer adventure video game developed by atlus Persona Team and published by Atlus for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is Atlus'first internally developed game for seventh- generation consoles in high definition, and is described as an " adult-oriented " title by the game's character designer, Shigenori Soejima Here are a couple of awesome cosplay photos I think youll like from cosplayer Kioyomi 

Golden Time - Episode 2
It's one week on from the start of college life, and Koko still hasn't let up in her persistent attempts to follow Mitsuo everywhere that he goes - similarly, Mistuo certainly has no intention of falling in with Kaga and does everything in his powers to avoid her.
As a result, Banri starts to find himself feeling rather sorry for Koko - with her expensive tastes in clothing and the demeanour she
As a result, Banri starts to find himself feeling rather sorry for Koko - with her expensive tastes in clothing and the demeanour she
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 2
Manaka's firsh curse problem seems to have resolved itself the morning after a difficult day - but then again, maybe she didn't want it to go away after all, as we discover that Tsumugu was rather taken with it.
Of course, any kind of friendship Manaka might have with Tsumugu is incredibly problematic when it comes to the over-protective Hikari, who wastes no time in warning this
Of course, any kind of friendship Manaka might have with Tsumugu is incredibly problematic when it comes to the over-protective Hikari, who wastes no time in warning this
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 1
It isn't every day that you run into a superhero; it's even less frequent to run into one whose hiding naked behind some bins.
This, however, is exactly the situation that off-duty policeman Hidenori Goto finds himself in as he stumbles across said naked man who claims to be a superhero. As if this wasn't bad enough, Goto's lit cigarette ends up setting our supposed hero's discarded costume
This, however, is exactly the situation that off-duty policeman Hidenori Goto finds himself in as he stumbles across said naked man who claims to be a superhero. As if this wasn't bad enough, Goto's lit cigarette ends up setting our supposed hero's discarded costume
Kill la Kill - Episode 2
Come the end of the first episode of Kill la Kill, Matoi has won herself an opportunity to quiz her nemesis Satsuki about the death of her father - the trouble is, the amount of blood consumed by the school uniform which fuels her power means that she's also about toi pass out, meaning that she has to beat a tactical retreat.
Collapsing in town while making this mistake, Matoi is luckily taken
Collapsing in town while making this mistake, Matoi is luckily taken
Galilei Donna - Episode 1
A ship sails through the sky, dropping a decidedly deadly cargo upon an unsuspected mine, with the giant robots unleashed by said craft blowing the whole place to smithereens.
Alongside this, it seems that whoever has a penchant for blue ships isn't doing much for the reputation, as the next thing we see is three very different girls finding themselves simultaneously under threat of being
Alongside this, it seems that whoever has a penchant for blue ships isn't doing much for the reputation, as the next thing we see is three very different girls finding themselves simultaneously under threat of being
Coppelion - Episode 2
With wolves on the prowl and Taeko missing, things seems to be going a little awry all of a sudden for Coppelion's genetically engineered high school school girls.
Indeed, things quickly go from bad to worse as they find their colleague only to discover that she's been taken hostage by a man demanding the return of their daughter. Luckily, Ibara is both skillful and quick-witted enough to both
Indeed, things quickly go from bad to worse as they find their colleague only to discover that she's been taken hostage by a man demanding the return of their daughter. Luckily, Ibara is both skillful and quick-witted enough to both
Beyond the Boundary - Episode 2
Having persuaded Mirai to deal with the youmu in her home, this probably isn't the best time for Akihito to be spacing out in some kind of dark nightmare - luckily for him, she at least has enough presence of mind to save him from said youmu while he's away with the fairies.
However, actually catching the little begger proves to be rather more difficult, especially given Mirai's strange blend
However, actually catching the little begger proves to be rather more difficult, especially given Mirai's strange blend
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova - Episode 1
On a future Earth decimated by global warming, things have only been made worse by the appearance of an unidentified alien force known only as the Fleet of Fog who have systematically taken control of the seas and destroyed most human communication capabilities. In other words, humanity is in rather a tight spot.
There is, however, one hope for mankind, and that's the I-401 - a Fog submarine
There is, however, one hope for mankind, and that's the I-401 - a Fog submarine
Space Brothers - Episode 76
This week in Space Brothers, NASA is closed due to the government shutdown so we instead move to Russia for our entertainment instead.
Okay okay, so that isn't the actual reason - rather, we join Hibito in Russia as he seeks to overcome his panic disorder as it relates to wearing a spacesuit, in the hope that a change of scenery will do him good. Once there, Hibito finds himself in the charge
Okay okay, so that isn't the actual reason - rather, we join Hibito in Russia as he seeks to overcome his panic disorder as it relates to wearing a spacesuit, in the hope that a change of scenery will do him good. Once there, Hibito finds himself in the charge
Monogatari Second Season - Episode 14
After a good night's sleep in Koyomi's bed, Nadeko finds herself awakening next to the unexpected presence of Araragi...
...Tsukihi Araragi, that is. Although it seems a little too early in the morning to be concerned with such things, Tsukihi is keen to know why Nadeko is there, and this only escalates when she reacts negatively to the suggestion that she might be cute on account of Shinobu's
...Tsukihi Araragi, that is. Although it seems a little too early in the morning to be concerned with such things, Tsukihi is keen to know why Nadeko is there, and this only escalates when she reacts negatively to the suggestion that she might be cute on account of Shinobu's
White Album 2 - Episode 1
Set ten years after the original White Album and sharing very little other than a broad timeline and the evolution of its titular song, White Album 2 arrives this autumn with the time-honoured tradition of beginning at what seems to be the end of the story, as we see a trio of characters playing at a school festival.
From here, we rewind to properly meet our protagonist, Haruki Kitahara - a
From here, we rewind to properly meet our protagonist, Haruki Kitahara - a
Little Busters! Refrain - Episode 1
Just as Clannad had its After Story, so Little Busters has its Refrain, meaning that this autumn sees this Key visual novel adaptation continue as it reunites its cast of students and their baseball team that isn't.
Despite suffering from a strange dream in which someone seemed to be crying out for his help, Naoe awakens to find some fun times ahead, courtesy of the first ever Little Busters
Despite suffering from a strange dream in which someone seemed to be crying out for his help, Naoe awakens to find some fun times ahead, courtesy of the first ever Little Busters
Nagi no Asukara - Episode 1
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Nobody in Nagi no Asukara, because they all have proper houses and stuff to reside in.
As you may have guessed, the main cast of this new series from the autumn live beneath the ocean waves, as part of a small but still notable species of not-quite humans who have the ability to breathe underwater despite otherwise looking identical to your everyday human
As you may have guessed, the main cast of this new series from the autumn live beneath the ocean waves, as part of a small but still notable species of not-quite humans who have the ability to breathe underwater despite otherwise looking identical to your everyday human
Golden Time - Episode 1
It's a time of new beginnings for Banri Tada - the start of university life, the start of his time in Tokyo, and the start of a spell living alone. You could almost say that it's a Golden Time for Banri.
At least, you might be able to if he wasn't making such a pig's ear out of the start of that university life. Having managed to miss the establishment's opening ceremony, he's also struggling
At least, you might be able to if he wasn't making such a pig's ear out of the start of that university life. Having managed to miss the establishment's opening ceremony, he's also struggling
Kill la Kill - Episode 1
It's the show everyone has been talking about incessantly ever since its announcement, and now its opening episode is finally here - boy, does Kill la Kill have a lot of expectations to live up to this autumn.
This first episode quickly introduces us to Honnouji Academy, a school with a decidedly strict regime of discipline - then again, when students are running around with tear gas maybe
This first episode quickly introduces us to Honnouji Academy, a school with a decidedly strict regime of discipline - then again, when students are running around with tear gas maybe
Coppelion - Episode 1
Seeing three school girls wandering into a desolate wasteland of a city is an incongruous one at the best of times. It is, however, entirely more so when that city is Tokyo.
As this opening episode of Coppelion progresses, it becomes clear that this trio are no ordinary school girls, but rather genetically engineered children designed to be immune to the radiation... errr, sorry, "unexplained
As this opening episode of Coppelion progresses, it becomes clear that this trio are no ordinary school girls, but rather genetically engineered children designed to be immune to the radiation... errr, sorry, "unexplained
Beyond the Boundary - Episode 1
When Akihito Kanbara sees a fellow student looking all set to jump off the school roof, he does what anybody would do - rushes to the rooftop to coax her down. In return, this bespectacled girl does what anyone would do in this situation - she jumps over the fence and stabs her saviour straight through the heart.
Luckily for Kanbara, he's no ordinary human, but rather half-human and half-youmu,
Luckily for Kanbara, he's no ordinary human, but rather half-human and half-youmu,
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